Monthly Archives: January 2025

Utah County Report


We are working hard to be ready for our Utah Program Thursday, February 6. As part of our Utah History Curriculum, each child will research a county in Utah. Your child has selected a Utah county to research and create a collage of information for their county. They have started their research at school but will need assistance for their project. At home, please find pictures that represent their county to show in collage form. We will send posters home Monday, January 27. Be creative-there is not one right way to create their poster. Think drawings, printing, stencil, color and fun!  Please return finished by Monday, February 3, as we will be compiling all of our counties to create a collage of the state of Utah! Thank you for your support! We are looking forward to sharing all the things we have learned about Utah!


PTC, Book Fair, and Valentines Day and RISE Benchmarking

If you have not signed up for a time for PTC please see previous post to sign up.

Valentine’s Day

The stores have Valentine’s cards for sale, if you are ready to buy those now here is some information to know: If you fill out THIS PERMISSION FORM your child can have and pass out candy on this day. Our class has 27 students in it. Have them only sign their card with their name. Do not address the card/prize to specific kids. We will celebrate Valentine’s Day on Feb 14 from 11:20 until lunch. We will be having a card exchange and playing with prizes that were handed out to them. The kids can bring a decorated box/bag on the morning of Feb 14. They will need those totally decorated at home. If you would like to not participate in created a box/bag, I will have a simple bag for them to bring their cards/prized home in. If you have questions, please let me know. Thanks

Just as a heads up, we will be starting to benchmark for the upcoming RISE test. We will be doing a 3-4 a month between now and the RISE test. This allows the kids to be more confident and ready to test at end of year. Thank you for your support in this and reiterating the importance of always doing their best.

Parent Teacher Conference signups and 4th grade Utah Program

Parent-Teacher Conferences are ...

Click on this link to sign up for a conference on either Wed Jan 29th or Thur Jan 30th.

It will be short days on both days so I can hold conferences starting around 200pm.

Mark Your Calendars!! Utah History Program-

Thurs. February 6 @ 6:00pm

We are having a Utah Program at Quest (Q1) Academy, Thur. February 6, at 6:00 PM. All of the 4th grade students will be singing different Utah songs for you. As part of our Utah History Curriculum, attendance is required. Best dress (what you would wear to a wedding or church) or school uniform is to be worn. Please have your students in my classroom no later than 5:50 to be ready to head to the gym as a class to start our program. Along with singing, a few students from our room will have speaking parts. These parts need to be memorized. We are excited to entertain you all! Invite everyone you know to come-no limit! 

All of the 4th grade kids have created something to show you about our beautiful state. To see what they have created, you may come before the program 5:00-5:30, or after the performance at about 7:00.

Happy New Year 2025


Jan. 8-15th: Middle of Year Testing
Jan 10th: Science Energy Assessment
Jan 13th: Dibels/Acadience Testing
Jan 16th: In-house Field trip: Museum on the move
Jan 20th: No School- Martin Luther King Jr Day
Jan 27th-31st: Book Fair
Jan 29th-30th: Parent/Student Led Conferences and Short Day – at 1:10) Jan 31st: No School-Teacher Work Day.

Looking Ahead:
February 6th is our 4th grade Utah Program at 600pm.     

What is happening during the weeks of Jan. 6th -17th…

Science – NEW UNIT 3 – Sound and Energy WAVES