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HEADS UP !!!!! 4th Grade– Rendezvous is coming.

FINALLY, after COVID, we will be having our annual fourth grade Rendezvous (a.k.a. the Economics Fair) on Thursday, Dec 16th. It will be held in the Q1 Gym from 1:30-2:30. This is a fun activity for all who come! ALL are welcome including smaller siblings. Guests will receive complementary “pelts” at the door to spend too. 

In the next month, we will be learning about economics and rendezvous as part of our Utah history lessons. This activity will help students gain a better understanding of basic economics as well as how mountain men and early pioneers made and sold products. This activity is part of our social studies curriculum. All students are encouraged to participate and will need to be present on the day of the activity.

To be ready for this event, students will need to make 30 products or plan a service to “sell” during the rendezvous (please keep the expense very low. I recommend making each item well under the value of $1. Be creative and use things you already have. Nature is filled with free supplies.) Use your imagination. Some examples we hav had in the past are (but are not limited to): flower pens, play dough, slime, hand warmers, jewelry, and other simple crafts. You pick what you would like to bring BUT no food items will be allowed. The kids will be learning about economics. However, as their parent, talk to them about why it is a good sales strategy to make something that no one else has. That way, you can charge more for the product because you won’t have any competition. HIGH DEMAND=MORE SALES/PROFIT  ;) Your overall profit will reward you with bragging rights. We don’t use any “real” money.

From now until the rendezvous, students will have the opportunity to earn “animal pelts.” This is our form of money/currency given out by 4th Grade Teachers to be used to buy things at the rendezvous from other students. You will turn in your paper pelts afterward.

So just a reminder again::::Whatever you choose to make should be homemade. Students should use materials that can be found around the house to make their products. Any cost involved in purchasing materials should be minimal. Students will need to make 30 items to sell.  Please let the students make this product/service with minimal help from grown-ups.  Rendezvous items are due Monday, December 13th. This will assure that students are ready to sell that week. It will also give time for teachers to help students price their products and make a poster in class. AGAIN, the product posters are being made in class. 

Lastly, please fill out this Google Form to allow your student to participate. 



FALL Parent/Teacher Conferences COMING SOON!!!

Use the link above to sign up for your students conference. This Fall they will be on Wed. November 3rd and Thurs. November 4th — beginning at 1:40pm until about 7:20pm (running every 20 min).

We have short day (1:00pm dismissal) both of these days. Additionally, don’t forget that students do not have school on Friday, November 5th. Please note, I will be offering conferences online (using ZOOM) or in-person in my classroom. Sign up for whichever works best for you.

If you can’t make these dates, please let me know. I still want to find another date/time to meet with you, if possible. Thanks so much. Your students have been working so hard.

4th Grade Halloween Party and Parade Info

If this is your first year at Quest, please review our wellness policy regarding food in the classroom. As Halloween is approaching, parents often ask if their children can bring candy to share for their classroom Halloween party. According to our wellness policy, students are not allowed to bring treats to share. Any treats we have that day are planned by me and brought by assigned volunteers only.

The 4th grade party will start after the parade (about 1000am) and last until 11:40 (when the students normally go to recess and lunch). In forth grade we combine our parties. I have my room of kids for 20 mins, then they are rotating into other 4th Grade teachers rooms for the rest of the time. Our room will be playing BINGO. I love parent volunteers for this activity BUT know you are always welcome to come and move with your child into different rooms for the duration of the party as well. I think it is fun to stay and have lunch with them too if you would like. When the kids come back from lunch at 12:35 , we will be having our own class treats and then cleaning up for the day. Remember, It is early out day-1:00 dismissal.

For your student to participate in the activities and have our class treats, you will need to fill out a permission form for them. This has to be done before Friday or I have no choice but to not let them participate.


Specific Halloween costume and parade details are below from our school administration.

4th grade field trip tomorrow (Tues Oct 5th)

This Is the Place Field Trip Information

In preparation for our 4th grade field trip on Tuesday October 5th, there are a couple things we need to make sure everyone is aware of. 

Students and the chosen class chaperones need to be ontime (8:25am) to school that morning. Chaperones, please pay your admission fee at Quest ($5). The bus will be loaded promptly at 8:45am. We will be traveling by bus to This Is The Place Heritage Park in Salt Lake City. Since the bus ride is about an hour long, students are allowed to bring a book or small cards to play with on the bus. NO ELECTRONICS — including cell phones will be permitted. Cell phones will not be allowed because they can’t be safely monitored by teachers. Please go over with your student proper bus behavior before that morning. We should arrive at This is the place around 9:50-10:00am. 

Parents, if you are driving up and meeting us there, you will need to park in the normal parking lot and pay your park entrance fee before going in. Please arrive before we do. If your student rides with you there, they will be marked absent from school that day and will have to pay the park admission fee to enter.

Students will still be required to wear their school uniforms on the field trip. Students will also need to bring a light jacket or hoodie with them as we will be at the base of the canyon and it tends to have chilly mornings. They may bring along a small water bottle as well. Each student will also need a backpack that day to hold their jackets, lunches and water bottles. If they ordered school lunch they would receive it that morning to carry. If they are bringing home lunch, make sure to bring it (students will not share food).

We will be reloading buses at 1:00pm and will arrive back at school at about 2:05pm. Your students will be back in time for the normal after school pick up. 

Also if you are still willing to pay the $3 student donation, please pay online or to the office A.S.A.P. 

We hope for a fun day with all of our students. 


The 4th grade teachers

First Official Field Trip – YAY!!!!

Our first field trip will be Tuesday October 5th, 2021. We will be going to “This is the Place Heritage Park” in Salt lake city.

I have attached a google form with information that you will need to fill out for your child. I have attached part of the form so you can read about it in advance before filling out the form.

FYI I need a form filled out for each of my students before they can attend our field trip.

Field Trip Permission Form

INFO Sneak Peak::::

A bus will take us to the park from Quest at the beginning of school and bring us back to Quest that afternoon. The suggested donation will be $3 per student to cover all expenses for this field trip. Please pay your funds to the office or online before Sept 27th so we can get a good count.
Also please indicate on this form if your student is going to attend and what they will be doing for lunch (whether its home or school lunch)
Also we will be taking four chaperones to attend with each class. Chaperones chosen will ride the bus with us and have a group of students they are in charge of throughout the entire field trip. The chosen chaperones will need to pay the Quest office a $5 field trip fee. Please indicate if you are willing to attend and pay the chaperone fee and I will be randomly selecting the 4 lucky chaperones. I will let you know who is picked.

Please Note : Younger siblings are not allowed on the field trip since we will be taking the bus and do not have room for them to attend.

Quick Reminder for Class Supply donations

If you are still wanting to donate to classroom supplies. The Office will still be accepting the $25 donations. You can pay those at the office or online on the quest website by clicking on Online Payments put it under the “other” category and type Mrs Peays supplies. Thank you to all who have donated already. It is greatly appreciated. This helps my class with STEM projects and field trips.