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First Day of School pick up

These first days of school have been so good. The students are fantastic. I think this year is going to be fantastic.

A few reminders:

Please make sure that your students know where to meet you after school. There is still a little bit of confusion. Also if you 4th grader has to pick up a younger sibling they have to pick them up outside the school doors that their class exits through. All teachers walk their classes out certain doors to meet siblings outside. Let them know that if it is a 2nd or 3rd grader they come out the main doors, if it is 1st and 2nd or Kinder, they will come out the far east doors between the two buildings. They cannot go through the school to pick them up.

Thanks everyone.

Yay! First day of school is here!!! (Wed. Aug 18th)

I was thrilled to see so many of you at Back to School Night. I am even more excited to get this school started after meeting all of you. It is going to be a great year. If you did not make it or need to rewatch the powerpoint. Here is the link. BACK TO SCHOOL INFO.


Dont forget to subscribe to my blog, sign the class disclosures, sign up for BLOOMZ, and fill out the student survey. All of this is under the Parent Info tab.

Bring headphones and a pencil box, home lunch if needed, and a water bottle to school with you on Wednesday morning.

You are more than welcome to come right to class on Wed morning. On Thursday and Friday you will go out to the playground until i come and pick up students.

Remember all three days are short days this week.

Welcome to 4th grade 2021-2022

I am very excited to welcome my new students into my class!
Parents- In preparation for the upcoming school year, please subscribe to our blog by clicking on “Subscribe to our Blog“ (found on the right sidebar). In addition, under the “Parent Information” heading you will find our Class DisclosureDisclosure Signature Page and Student Survey,  Supply list. Also under classroom codes sign up for BLOOMZ. This is how i communicate important info throughout the year. Thanks! Watch for more info to come as we get closer to August.

Students things to do before school starts—— REFLEX PRACTICE! -Practice MATH FACTS during the Summer!!! You can use your Reflex account and earn a “GREEN Light” everyday! 😉. Read 20 minutes a day to improve your vocabulary.

Mrs. Peay’s Classroom Supply List


NOTICE: THE ITEMS ON THIS LIST WILL BE USED DURING THE REGULAR SCHOOL DAY.  THEY MAY BE BROUGHT FROM HOME ON A VOLUNTARY BASIS, OTHERWISE, THEY WILL BE FURNISHED BY THE SCHOOL.Life can be very busy, so I am giving parents the option to make a $25.00 cash donation to the class, and I will purchase all needed supplies on the list. All cash donations can be paid to the Q1 Office on or before Back to School Night, or you can pay online here: ONLINE PAYMENTS marking “other” and typing Peay’s Supplies.  This will cover all student supplies throughout the whole year. If you would rather purchase them yourselves, they must meet the description I have listed below.

 Each student will still need to bring: 1.Headphones-labeled and in a baggie 2. Pencil Box1 standard size pencil box 3. Dry erase eraser or old sock 

The $25 donation will purchase each student:

  • Colored pencils/Crayons
  • 4 Folders
  • 4 Spiral/Composition notebooks
  • Scissors
  • Pencils and erasers
  • Glue
  • White Board
  • Copy paper/lined paper
  • Box of tissues/paper towels
  • Container of anti-bacterial wipes (i.e. Clorox or Lysol)
  • Highlighter/Expo markers
  • Party supplies/Mother’s Day gifts
  • Prizes
  • STEM projects

Field Day Thursday May 27th

We will be having 4th grade field day on Thursday May 27th from 1130-100pm outside. We have lots of fun activities planned for that day. I will need a permission slip signed for each student to participate. The form is attached below. Also we are allowed to have parent volunteers that day as well. Please indicate on the same form if you would like to help or not during field day. It is going to be a great last week of school now that we can finally let the kids have some fun together.

Field Day Permission FORM

Chewing Gum and Movie Day

During testing for the next three weeks, we are allowing the students to chew gum during the test only. Will you please sign the google form giving them permission to do so and whether you can donate a pack or two?

Chewing Gum Permission

Also as a class we read the book “The One and Only Ivan”. We would now like to let them watch the movie that goes with the book. We will be watching it on Friday May 14th. Please sign the attached google form to allow them to watch it with us and eat popcorn.

Movie Day Permission


Spring pictures will be taken on Wednesday, April 21st. Thus, uniforms are not required on this day. It is a Free Dress Down Day for ALL. Please note that students should still follow dress down day guidelines by wearing appropriate attire. 

You may pay online at Bell Photo (school code: questacadspring2021) or with cash, check, or money order. Make checks payable to Bell Photographers.

Order Forms were sent home last week with your student. Please Return order form on Wednesday.