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Upcoming important dates

  • Monday, 1/18 – Martin Luther King Jr. Day – NO SCHOOL
  • Tuesday, 1/19 – In School Virtual Field Trip- Bean BYU
  • Monday, 1/25 – Library books are DUE.
  • February 2 & 3 – Virtual Parent Teacher Conferences – sign ups will be posted by next week.
  • February 5 – Teacher Work Day – NO SCHOOL
  • February 12 – Class Valentines Party, info coming later

School Breakfast and Lunch

Just FYI………….School breakfasts AND lunches are still FREE (for students) and will remain free until the end of the school year!

If you are an e-learner and would like breakfasts and lunches please notify our lunch manager Madeline Chestnut so she can prepare them for you to pick up on fridays.

Week of Dec 14-18

NO TUTORING this week. We will start again after we return back in January.

REMINDER: Secret Santa gifts are due Wednesday, December 16th. Please let me know if you need help getting the gift. They can be created, homemade, under $5 from the store, or gently used from home. They need to come wrapped and labeled with just the student’s name on them, not who they are from.

Friday is our class holiday party. Unfortunately, I cannot have any parent volunteers in my classroom for this. Hopefully later in the year we can start having parent help again. However, thanks for all your support outside my classroom with your students. They are doing such great things this year, even amid all of this crazy.

Friday is the only day that elementary students will come dressed differently. The other activities are just for the Jr. High building. Friday is a free dress down day-wear a Christmas (ugly) sweater or fun christmas attire. Friday is early out day – dismissal is 1:00! Students will return back to school on January 4th. Enjoy Winter break!!!

Secret Santa Exchange

This year our class will be having a Secret Santa gift exchange instead of our Annual 4th grade rendezvous due to Covid-19. Here is how we will make the exchange work: Students will draw names Monday and buy/find an item that is valued at about $3-$5 dollars. It can be new or gently used, or even homemade. The gift needs to be brought to school wrapped and labelled with just the receivers names-NOT whom it is from. This way the exchange will be a secret.

It is optional to bring gifts. I would like all of the kids to participate if they are here Friday, December 18th. If you would rather me buy the gift and bring it for the students, please let me know. So, that I have time to gather and wrap any extra gifts.

The gifts have to be in the classroom by Wednesday, December 16th. So, I can have time to let all the cooties die for 3 days before giving them to students to take home on Friday December 18th.

Thanks, Let me know if there are any questions.


Hope everyone had a great relaxing Thanksgiving Break!

Here are a couple reminders of things coming up.

1. For the next three Thursdays I will have Math tutoring from 300-330 again and will be emailing those students that need that weeks standard. Be watching for that email to know when to have them stay.

2. This Friday Dec 4th is a $1 dress down day for December if your students would like to participate.

3. We will have Winter Break from Dec 21st until Jan 1st. Returning to school on Monday Jan 4th 2021. If you know your student will not be here Dec 18th please let me know ahead of time so I can give them something for Christmas before then. Thanks so much!

Halloween Parade Friday Oct 30th

Quest Families,

 Happy Halloween! We are planning on having a modified version of our annual Halloween parade on Friday, October 30th. Because the parade will start at 9:00am, we ask that students come to school already dressed in their costumes. There will be a virtual option and an on-campus option for parents and relatives to watch our on-campus elementary kiddos parade in their costumes. To watch our parade from home, parents will be sent a link to a YouTube live streaming session. Students will be recorded as they pass by the office, one class at a time, and you’ll be able to see them in all their Halloween splendor! For those who would like to attend the parade for their on-campus children, they should bring camping chairs or blankets and set them up along the outside of either building (see attached map—the yellow dots indicate where families can sit). Everyone watching the parade on campus needs to be wearing a mask and should position themselves as close to the building as possible to allow our students to parade on the sidewalks surrounding the schools. Families should also allow six feet between them and neighboring families. Although individual teachers may choose to have other Halloween festivities throughout the day, we will not be asking for parent volunteers this year. Also, afternoon kindergarten families will receive information from their child’s teacher regarding their parade.

 E-learner students are welcome to dress up as well. Their teachers will let them know when they can show off their costumes from home via Zoom/Google Meet. So that the ENTIRE school can see our e-learners in their costumes, we ask parents to take pictures of their children and send them to Angelee Spader ( no later than Thursday, Oct. 29th. We will make a video compilation of these pictures and share it with all our students.

 Costume guidelines:

 Please note that costumes should be modest and without blood or gore. Also, face coverings must also be worn throughout the entire day. Students are welcome to paint their faces and wear Halloween masks; however, those masks will only be worn when directed to do so by the classroom teacher (e.g. during the parade, when a class picture is taken, etc). Weapons and anything that depicts violence are not allowed on school property (knives, guns, swords, spears, etc.). If you have questions about costume accessories, please contact us. Just to reiterate, no blood, either depicted on the costume or in makeup, is allowed. 

We are excited to continue this tradition at Quest! We hope these precautions will allow us to celebrate in a fun, memorable way!

 Quest Administration