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Last of the year info!

Reminder Our last Zoom call  (sad face) will be Friday May 22nd at 900am. We will be doing awards, slide show, class kahoot, and fun times.

Also don’t forget drop off and pick up is next week on Tues 26th and Wed 27th from 730am-530pm.  I will be at the school both days but working in my class on Tues and outside at drop off on Wed. All of my class has something to pick up from me. So make sure you come get it. If you have questions please let me know.
Mrs Peay

Quest Families,
We will have one final drop off and pick up next week on Tuesday and Wednesday from 7:30am to 5:30pm. Please notice that instructions for elementary and jr. high students are different. Also, there are no set times by last name as has been done in the past. Please feel free to come at your convenience.

Elementary Students: Kindergarten through 5th grade students will need to drop off borrowed Chromebooks, as well as pick up yearbooks, report cards, and other personal items. Please make sure to look for communications from your child’s teacher. In some cases, where Chromebooks were not borrowed, it may not be necessary to pick anything up. Again, teachers will let you know if you need to stop by or not. If you are dropping off a Chromebook, please see the below guidelines for returning them. To return a Chromebook for an elementary student, drive up to the kindergarten doors (see attached map), where an employee will check to ensure the Chromebook is returned in good condition. After verifying the condition of the Chromebook, families can drive to the Q1 main doors to pick up any items teachers have prepared. You’re done!

Procedures for returning Chromebooks:

  • If you have disinfecting wipes, please disinfect and clean the computer and cord before returning it
  • Computers need to be returned with the power supply cord
  • Computers need to be charged so we can check for screen damage
  • Be sure to inform us of any damage you are aware of

Fees or loss or damage include, but are not limited to:
Power supply Replacement ($24.97); Screen Replacement ($131.35); Full Chromebook Replacement ($232.00)

Wow! This year has been quite the adventure, Quest Families. We want to thank you for being so supportive and helpful through it all. We’ll see you soon! Have a happy summer break!

Quest Administration


Reminder Testing Schedule this week!!!

Remember we will be doing end of year testing. These have to be proctored by me. So here is the schedule for this week.
900-1000 am mandatory Math testing

1000-1030 am stretch Break -not logging off 

1030-1130am mandatory ELA testing

Students will need to log in on time each day.
Students must not take any part of this test while not being proctored. Once we are done for the day they are not to log back into their tests. Parents, please do  not help your students with these tests.
We would like to see what they know on their own. 

Friday will be a FUN DAY ZOOM to end our digital learning time together. 900-1130am

Missing work and next week 5/18 testing schedule

I have updated the form for missing work on both my blog and google classroom. I still have students that have yet to turn this work in. They have until the end of this week to get it turned in before i do report cards. Please help them to get this done. I have tried to give them plenty of time during virtual school to get these done. Let me know if there is a problem or you have questions.

Mrs peay

Next week we will be doing end of year testing. These have to be proctored by me. So here is the schedule for next week.
900-1000 am mandatory Math testing

1000-1030 am stretch Break -not logging off 

1030-1130am mandatory ELA testing

Students will need to log in on time those days. We will be doing a test run tomorrow at 900am to check that devices can show both their screen and their face. 

Friday will be a FUN DAY ZOOM to end our digital learning time together. 900-1130am

Virtual Talent Show — we need your talents

We are so excited for our first VIRTUAL talent show–RAMS GOT TALENT!!! Click here to access the virtual talent show website (Thanks for creating it, Jen Jones!). The talent show will be available to watch the week of May 18th! All video submissions are due May 8th, so get out your phones and start recording your talented kiddos (please ensure recordings are less than 5 minutes)! Though you’ll be able to upload videos from your computer, you might find it a bit easier to do so from your phone. I’ve provided a short recording to show you how to do this. RAMS GOT TALENT is for ALL Quest students, so we expect to see submissions from kindergarteners, 9th graders, and EVERY grade in between! See you on the virtual stage!

Quest Administration

Teacher Parade May 4th

Hello, Quest Families! 

POQA (our parent organization) is sponsoring Quest’s Teacher Appreciation Parade this upcoming Monday, May 4th, at 1:30pm. We’d love to have you drive through our parking lot to say hello! Your teachers might even be tossing students a few treats through your car window as you drive by!

 In order to maintain social distancing standards, our educators will be spaced along the school—elementary teachers will be along the curb in the front of Q1, and jr. high teachers will be along the carpool lane in the back of the school. If you have students in both the elementary and the jr. high, feel free to make two trips around.

If you are able to make it, we ask that students with last names beginning with letters A to M come between 1:30pm and 2:00pm, while those with last names beginning with letters N to Z come between 2:00pm and 2:30pm.

 To ensure social distancing standards are followed, please don’t exit your vehicles. Do, however, feel free to honk, cheer, and tell your teacher how much you appreciate them.

 Teacher Appreciation Week is a great opportunity to show how grateful we are for Quest Educators.

If you can’t make it Monday, please find a creative, virtual way to show your gratitude for Quest teachers.

Thanks for all you do! Quest Administration

Missing Work – digital school

I have added a link for missing work under the digital school tab  to make it easier for parents to check to see if their student has anything not done. It is also on my google classroom that your student has access to everyday. I will be putting in grades for 4th term in about the 3rd week of May so I am hoping this gives them plenty of time to get as much as they can done between now and then. If you have any questions please message me anytime.
Thanks for being amazing
Mrs Peay

Thank You

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You are all amazing! Your students have really stepped it up today. I had many students go in and get caught up on all of their missing work. They really are such troopers through all of this. It shows that they have such strong support systems at home. So thank you for all your help. 

As you may have heard we will be doing digital school learning now all the way until the end of the school year which is May 28th. We are setting up schedules for proctored end of year testing, year book pickups, computer check ins and hopefully throw in some fun stuff too!  So be watching for some more information as that gets closer. I am super sad that I wont get to do the traditional last day of school, but just know I love your kiddos and that my heart breaks knowing we cant be together to celebrate them moving on to 5th grade. But I will try to make it memorable and fun for them. So stay tuned for more posts about that. 

Keep up the good work

Mrs Peay 

Missing Work/Not doing work

Sorry not a fun post today. But I am trying to enlist parent help. I am finding that I have quite a few students that are either not doing the work along with us in whole group or are not finishing it on their own afterwards. We are still needing to do end of year assessments of learning even if we are not taking end of year  state tests. This is the way I am trying to help them to retain information and gain new information during this soft closure of school. So if you could please help me out and encourage you kids to complete the work we do in whole group instead of just join zoom mtgs to watch, that would be really helpful.

There is a list on google classroom of what I am missing for students. Please have them log on and check that list. It will be updated every few days. 


Mrs Peay