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Welcome back to digital school!!!

I hope everyone had a great spring break week. Its now time to get back into the routine of daily digital school learning.  I am so excited to get to chat with all of you again.
A few things to know for this week……..

NEW Weekly Schedule going forward.

***students need to log into ZOOM at three different times each morning using the same daily ZOOM log in. (900/1015/1100) 

Just a heads up –I have been told  I will now have to take roll for these ZOOM meetings every day. If you child cant get on during this time they will need to go onto google classroom later that same day and watch the recording to be counted as not absent. After they watch it that day you will need to email me so I can change their attendance.

Mon-Fri Routines

850am-900am Six Minute Podcast on Tu/Wed/Fri –optional

900am-940am Whole group Math lesson

             940am-1015am Math tutoring time –optional

1015am-1045am Whole group ELA lesson

              1045am-1100am ELA tutoring time –optional

1100am-1130am Whole group Science lesson

1130am-1230 Lunch Break/Recess==ALL

             Mrs peay –small group – if needed

1230pm-100pm Class Fun Time Activity –optional

Extra Times to log in:

Thursday 830am Library with Mrs Anderson her google class code pdvasmu

Thursday 100pm Coding with Ms Fisher her google class code ro3fnda

Just a few quick things

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Reminder– all of next week is Spring Break. Enjoy the time off of digital school. Go out and enjoy sunshine with your family. But please stay distanced, safe and healthy in the process. 

Starting April 6th the kids are going to be giving an opportunity to log into library with Mrs Anderson and coding with Ms Fisher once a week. I think that is great that they are working so that kids can have extracurricular stuff as well.
In order to do that the kids needs to log into their google accounts on their devices. Go to google classroom and join both of their classes.
Mrs Andersons code is  pdvasmu
Ms Fishers code is ro3fnda
This will allow them access to log in with them during their class scheduled time. 
I hope this gives them some extra educational fun during digital school. 

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A few more reminders:
Will you please remind your kids what Zoom session rules are.

For example:
I have students giving out personal info over the zoom session please let them know why this is not appropriate for safety reasons. 
I also have seen some activities that should not be done in front of the camera during our Zoom sessions. 
Please remember that I record these sessions and cant put them on google classroom if there is inappropriate behavior or things said that cant be posted. 
So please—
Be mindful of the clothing you are wearing for all to see.

Be aware of where in your house you are taking your camera along with you while we are in ZOOM. 
Be mindful of what is happening in the back ground.

Also on google classroom Peay 2019-2020 I have posted under classwork the zoom math and ela sessions and math tutoring videos if the kids need any help over spring break with work they haven’t finished. I have also posted science help videos in the science classroom. Hope this helps them. 

Thank you so much for all of your help with this. I hope your kids are learning. I hope they enjoy seeing their classmates everyday. 
Happy Spring Break! 
Miss you all,
Mrs Peay
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Packet pick up info-soft closure until May 1st


Thank  you for being so supportive. I absolutely adore and miss having your kids in the classroom. Please let them know they are truly missed.
With the new information from the state of a soft closure until May 1st(as of now), I am needing to get the students their supplies from their desks. I have put together a bag to go home for your students that will have math workbooks, Math checklists for the rest of the year, ELA workbooks, headphones if they were in their desks and their coding code so they can begin to get on with Ms Fisher for coding once a week. I will also have a letter from me and a calendar so you can see my teaching schedule laid out, incase there is ever a question about all the stuff coming home and when they will be getting to certain things.
Also if they have any library books at home please bring them on Friday to return. I have  a list of books that have been checked out and i will be individually contacting you if their book was taken home.
I know this has been a trying time for all of us, but I am doing my best to accommodate everyones needs. If you find that your child needs extra help outside of tutoring times please email me (know that bloomz has a huge delay if you message me there) and I will set up a one on one with them for that help. I am available from 800am-400pm everyday and some evenings if needed. Communication will be key in having digital school be successful. I am here for you and your child every step of the way.

Here is the packet pick up schedule that admin has set up for Friday march 27th.

Quest Families,

As school will remain in dismissal until May 1st (as of now), teachers have prepared additional materials that can be picked up this Friday. Please note that this is for Kindergarten through 5th grade only. Teachers will contact you to let you know if materials will need to be picked up (some teachers are opting to do things electronically). Sixth grade will also have materials for students, but they won’t be handed out until Monday, April 6th (after Spring break).

Pick up times are listed below. Please notice there are three different options, each lasting 2 hours. Rather than parking cars and walking to designated tables, parents will acquire their student’s materials by driving to tables by way of assigned lanes, which are alphabetized by student last name (see video and picture).

Pick up times:
Friday: 7:30am to 9:30am; 11:30am to 1:30pm; 3:30pm to 5:30pm

See attached picture and then click here to watch the video.
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Again any questions or concerns please contact me.
Thanks so much
Mrs Peay

Just a few reminders for next week digital school!

First off, Thank you so much for all the support getting this up and running. It has been a huge learning curve for all of us. 

Secondly, I cant emphasis enough the importance of keeping your kids learning through all of this. The students have made such huge progress so far this year and I dont want them to lose that knowledge going forward. I want to keep preparing them for 5th grade. Having said that, please make sure that your kids are getting on the blog everyday so they know what we are working on each day as a class. They were all given their logins that they need to do this from home. I also post each days learning under the digital school tab. 

Please make sure they are completing the checklist each day to the best that they can. The students know how to accomplish all the things on the checklist so it shouldn’t be new to them. 

So here are some reminders of things that need to be done daily:

1. math checklists

2. 30 min in iReading and 30 min in iMath Weekly
(so minimum of 10 min/three days a week on each)

3. ELA work on wonders

4. Science work

5. Daily Exit tickets in google classroom.

I think it has been so great to let the kids interact with one another on ZOOM. They really seem to enjoy it. So I hope they continue to log on. Just so you know, however, they are not required to log in and be on during the entire time from 900am-100pm. Whole group is at 900am and that is beneficial for them to be on. But then it changes to tutoring from 1000-1130 in math and ela. This is a time for them to be working on their own or log in and get my help, if needed. Then we have put a built in lunch break from 1130-1230. Our fun activity is optional and will be at 1230pm. So you as the parent can decide when you want them to be online with us. I will be posting videos of current teaching, incase they miss a session as well.

Thank you for all your help and support through this. Any concerns please email or message me on BLOOMZ.

Onto another fun week of digital school learning!!!!

Mrs Peay

Digital School Learning

Digital school! How exciting! Notice the “Digital School” tab located above. This is where I will post links to our daily teaching sessions. Here are some basic guidelines on how I’ll structure digital school:

Students will have a checklist that will be posted on my blog daily that lists their daily tasks and schedule. Our daily schedule will generally look like this:   

9:00 AM – All students log on and video conference for whole group math, language arts, and science. This will be the time when I will give a broad overview of what we are learning. Students need all materials in their packets for these sessions. I’m not sure how long these sessions will last (since this is the first time I’ve done anything like this!), but I’m guessing that it will be about 45 minutes, depending on the day, curriculum, and student engagement. I understand that not all students will be able to log on at 9 AM due to some differing schedules. I will record these sessions and put them on Google Classroom (click HERE to learn how to access that). This way, students who are not able to attend live sessions can still view what we talked about. However, I encourage students to do whatever they can to come to the live sessions. This is a great time to ask questions and get feedback from me.           

After this time, students will be expected to work independently on their checklist. Checklists for two weeks are in your packets and then will be on the blog daily under a new tab called DigitalSchool. Students will be required to fill out a google form (which will also be located on the google classroom) every day to show what they accomplished. Students who have finished all their checklists will get to participate in a fun activity at 12:30 each day. This may be a classroom Kahoot, a game of prodigy with me, or some other fun game via video conferencing.     

I will also be offering two separate tutoring times. One at 1000-1100 for Math and one at 1100-1200 for ELA. These times are optional if you need additional help with things. 

I will be using Zoom to teach classes – it is a video conferencing app/website that allows me to see and teach all students. Click HERE for a tutorial on how to get it up and running. I strongly suggest you watch this.  If you have an ipad/tablet, you will need to download the Zoom app first. I have tried it on several different devices and the process on getting on is a little different for each. If you cannot get on, please email me and I’ll see what I can do to help. Students will use the Digital School tab above to access our daily link to get to Zoom sessions. 

I will be holding a test session at 2:00 PM today. It would be super helpful to try and get your child on by then so that 9:00 AM tomorrow morning runs smoothly.       

Students will also be using Clever to access their iReady. If you have a tablet, you will need to download the Clever app.             

 I look forward to seeing your cute kids at 9:00 AM tomorrow (and some at 2:00 today!). Please email me with any questions/concerns/individual situations.   

Thank you for helping to keep your child accountable and helping to give them a quality education, even in times when we can’t meet at school.

Packet and Device pick up

To my awesome students and families,

I am sending home a packet with some Math, Science, and ELA stuff to get us started down the path of e-Learning. I am also sending you a laminated card with your log ins. I will be posting our class LIVE schedule soon so be watching the blog for that. I am trying to keep it very simple and flexible for parents and students. Just know if you ever have any questions or concerns please email, bloomz or call me. 

Thanks so much

Mrs Peay

Notification from: Quest Academy
Quest Families,
Our teachers and employees are working hard to ensure all student packets and Chromebooks may be picked up today and tomorrow. Most packets are for K-6 students, but a few jr. high students may have packets as well. The jr. high teachers will notify you if their classes have packets for pick up.

Pick up times are listed below. Please notice there are four different options. All parents need to park their cars and walk to the table that is labeled alphabetically, by student last name (see attached map for red dot pick-up areas). Each pick up window is two hours long. Thus, we ask that parents stagger times to ensure social distancing. If possible, please limit the number of individuals picking up materials to one per family. Please do not drive your car to the curb for pick up.

Chromebooks will be checked out in front of the jr. high building. There will be five different pick-up stations for these computers, which are also alphabetized by student last name (see yellow dots on attached map).

Pick up times:

Monday (today):
3:00pm to 5:00pm

Tuesday (tomorrow):
7:30am to 9:30am
11:30am to 1:30pm
3:00pm to 5:00pm

Thanks for all you do, Quest Families! We hope you are healthy and well!
Quest Administration