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Field Trip — Tuesday Sept 17th

We have a fun day coming up!!! HAVE YOU ALL PAID YOUR $5 FEE???

Our first field trip is on Tuesday, Sept 17. Here is what you need to know: We will be departing from Quest Academy at 8:45.  Students can be dropped off to school at their normal time and follow their normal morning procedures.  At 8:30, we will come inside and take roll, use the bathroom and then board the buses. We will be arriving back at the school at 2:30ish for normal end of day pick up.
Remember please do not have them come if they are sick.

  • Bring a small water bottle
  • Bring a small jacket
  • Bring a refrigerated sack lunch                                                                                                    *If they ordered a school lunch, I will give it to them that morning. No microwaves will be available. Disposable bags are easiest. 
  • Small bag/backpack to carry their things.
  • No money-we will not be visiting the gift shop
  • Wear a school uniform-any colors
  • Wear good walking shoes
  • No electronic devices
  • Something small to play with on the bus. Please limit to one item — Nothing Valuable. Cards are a great option! If anything gets lost or broken-it will not be replaced by the school. 

Chaperone info: **If you were picked** Chaperones will need to be at the school by 8:30. You can wait in the classroom until we board the bus. Make sure you bring a sack lunch and water bottle. REMEMBER no siblings can accompany us. You will be riding the bus with us and are limited on seats.


Homework Optional? What?

Notification from: Quest Academy

Hey, Quest Families! You may have noticed the word “optional” appearing on many elementary teacher blogs regarding homework. Please take a moment to read the attached information. Note the benefits associated with kids reading something they enjoy for just 20 minutes each day. We will always promote parents and students reading at home!!! Next, read Alfie Kohn’s findings and summary of homework in elementary. In addition to Kohn’s insights, John Hattie, a renowned author, educator, and researcher, found that homework for elementary age students has an effect of zero. These findings are supported by decades of literacy research.

NOTE: Despite this research, there are parents who are passionate about their children doing homework or review activities after school. We have asked teachers to provide “optional” resources for those families. Those resources will appear on individual teacher blogs.

With the above information in mind, please know that our Quest educators plan on doing everything possible to help your students make the growth they need while at school. Our programs and curriculum are researched-based and effective. Countless hours have been spent working with nationally renowned educators and the State office to ensure the programs implemented by teachers at Quest will provide personalized, meaningful learning. We love your kids and we’ve got their backs! Enjoy your time at home with your kids and continue to encourage them to read for enjoyment!

Quest Administration


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I will be starting tutoring this week on Tues and Wed after school from 300-330pm. I will continue to hold these sessions every week unless I am gone. If your child can stay, they are welcome to join me on either or both of those days. Sometimes I will request a student to stay for specific lessons but all students are free to stay any of the weeks if they feel they need extra help.
Just shoot me a quick message to let me know so I can remind them to stay after as well. 

Thanks so much!

Mrs Peay