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WELCOM BACK!!! Hope you all had a fun filled break and could get outside and enjoy the great weather. I know I definitely slept in and played outside with my kids a lot. I am now ready to kick it into gear for the end of the year! Sad but so exciting showing off what your kids have accomplished this year.

FYI, we will be starting Benchmark testing this week coming 4/11 to prepare us for end of year testing. These are practice tests to get the students used to seeing the testing platform and calm test anxiety before the actual Summative End of Year RISE tests that we will take starting in May. I know your kiddos have worked so hard this year, I am confident they will be great. So from here until the end of the year please try to have your students in class each day. We will be reviewing and going over everything from the year. I want them to be confident going into testing and dont want them to miss something they may need to review.

I have a parent bringing spring treats to class this week. In order for your student to have one I need your permission. Please fill out the following form ASAP. TREAT FORM

For your calendars: All of our 4th grade students will be doing our 4th grade “UTAH” program on Thursday April 28th in the evening (630pm) for their parents and families. We have been practicing in class and we encourage all of our students to participate in this fun program that night. We understand there are other activities in the evenings, so please let me know ASAP if your student can’t be there that night for our program so we can make adjustments if necessary. Any questions please let me know.

Thanks Mrs Peay

Class Party——- “P” for Peay Party

Friday March 11th

We have earned a party from Admin. for earning the most sign ups for the Grinch Run back in Dec.

So we will be having a“P” for Peay party. We will be watching “Phineas and Ferb – The Movie”, eating lunch in the classroom, and having popcorn and popsicles(creamies) and the kids will be able to wear PJ’s that day. The party will be this Friday March 11th. I will need permission from you for your chid to watch it with us and have popcorn and popsicles. I will need this permission no later than March 10th.

Here is the google link PLEASE SIGN

Valentines Day Info Mon Feb 14th

Our class will be passing out Valentine’s cards Monday, February 14th at 2:30. Students may bring a decorated Valentine’s box to collect their special notes. If they don’t bring one, I will provide a bag for them to use. It is optional to bring Valentine’s cards/prizes to pass out, however, if they do, they need to bring enough for 26 students. Please don’t address them to specific kids. Simply, sign your child’s name only.

Please sign the permission form for your child to participate in this activity.

Valentines Day Permission FORM

We can have “STORE bought only” treats this year in addition to any other prizes you want to attach to cards. Please talk to your child about what they are allowed to eat and how much they should be eating. Our card exchange will be 30 minutes before school lets out.

Parent Teacher Student Conferences coming up!

  • Wednesday Feb. 2nd & Thursday Feb. 3rd – Parent Teacher Conferences – Early out both days
  • Friday, Feb. 4th – No School – Teacher Work Day

CLICK HERE to schedule a PTC with me.

Use the link above to sign up for PTC. They will be held on Wed. February 2nd and Thurs Feb 3rd beginning at 1:40. They will be mostly in-person meetings with a one hour block of ZOOM appts available each day. I would love to meet with as many parents as possible during these times. Please note that We will have short days both of these days. Additionally, don’t forget that students do not have school on Friday, February 4th.

New Year! Let’s get ready to Rock n Roll 2022!!

Hope everyone enjoyed their holiday break! As this New Year has begun so has the learning. I know it is hard coming back to school after a long break. Please help your student go to bed early and get plenty of sleep. We are working hard on learning new concepts and improving in many academic areas. Please work with your child at home and encourage them to read EVERY NIGHT and help them to have their multiplication facts down. Tutoring will still be on Tuesdays and Thursdays after school until 3:30 for any student who feels they could use extra help. I will be updating their Math Trackers this week. Students who are behind in math standards will need to stay for tutoring to get caught up at this point.

Also as a heads up, Toys and fidgets have started becoming a problem. Please talk with your child to see what they are bringing to school each day. If the problems continue I will have no choice but to ban all toys and fidgets in class. I hope it doesn’t come to that. I will be taking toys that become a problem in class and sending them home after school not to come back to class.

More Holiday Fun!

Dr. Dave is going to let kids join in the Holiday festivities that the staff are participating in the rest of the week! Your students can wear CLEAN modest pajamas tomorrow (wed). Thursday they are wearing red uniform shirts. Friday is a ugly sweater or xmas attire or free dress down day for everyone. 

Also We still need several WHITE ELEPHANT gifts brought in by Thursday. If you can bring an extra one to donate-that would be wonderful.

Reminder the 4th grade rendezvous is Thursday from 200-245pm. Parents are welcome to join us. If you attend we will give you pelts to spend for students items. But please be courteous and remember this activity is geared towards the 4th grade students being able to purchase their friends items.

Thank you for all of your support

Mrs Peay

Info for the Week of 12/13-12/17

Monday, December 13Rendezvous items are due this day. Please send them to school with your child. See the previous post for those details. They can come down to the room to drop them off before going outside. If you have not filled out the Rendezvous participation form please do so now!!!

Tuesday, December 14, Rendezvous posters day. We will be making our posters in class to display during our economic fair.

Wednesday, December 15, Quest student sing-a-long with the Principals (930 am in the morning).

Thursday, December 16, Quest Choir concert performance in the morning. ALSO Fourth-grade Rendezvous will be held in the Q1 Gym from 2:00-2:45. This is a fun activity for all who come! ALL are welcome including smaller siblings. Guests will receive complimentary “pelts” at the door to spend too. 

Friday, December 17, 4th-grade Christmas Party!! Ugly sweaters are encouraged. We will be rotating into the different 4th-grade classrooms. This will be similar to our Halloween grade party.

Peay’s Christmas CLASS PARTY: 

We are also going to have a WHITE ELEPHANT gift exchange during Friday’s class party in the morning from 830-1000am. Send a wrapped prize to exchange-don’t label who the gift is from.Please bring a prize from your home you already have or something less than $5. It is optional to bring gifts. I would like all of the kids to participate if they are here Friday, December 17th. If you would rather me buy the gift and bring it for the students, please let me know. So, that I have time to gather and wrap any extra gifts. Email is best. Please have the gifts here by Thursday, December 16. Students can start bringing those in anytime beginning today. And, If you can, please send an extra gift if their are students that forget one or can’t bring one. No food can be brought for the white elephant gifts.

Party snacks. During the morning class Christmas party, students can bring in snacks and a small drink- (no soda) to snack on during the day. They will not be able to share any snacks with other students. Please only send quantities they consume. ALSO, a small blanket and/or pillow can come to chill on. Maybe a furry friend too 😉

Teacher gifts are always welcomed 😉 I love AMAZON gift cards which I use to buy classroom supplies! Seeing that we are in need of bandaids, paper towels, and stickers; these make wonderful gifts as well.

Happy Holidays! REMEMBER —— FRIDAY IS EARLY OUT! Then we are out for a 2 week Winter break. I will see the kids back on January 3, 2022!!! Be safe and have a very Merry Christmas!!!