Upcoming Events:
- Wednesday/Thursday, February 2nd-3rd: Parent Teacher Conferences this week! Click HERE to sign up for PTC
- Wednesday, February 2nd is a short day for all Quest students
- Thursday, February 3rd half day kindergarten will have NO SCHOOL while all other Quest students will have a short day
- Friday, February 4th NO SCHOOL
- Friday, February 11th 100th day of school
- Monday, February 14th Valentine’s Day Party
- Tuesday: Library books are due! Send take-home folders to school and review contents of folder when returned.
- Label student belongings. This includes coats, jackets, gloves, water bottles, etc.
- To reinforce high frequency words, phonics and fluent reading, please keep reading decodable stories that are sent home each Tuesday.
Here’s a quick overview of new things we will learn this week:

Big Idea for Unit 6: “How do weather and seasons affect us?”
Comprehension strategy: “Visualize” We will read a fantasy book to go along with this week’s theme “What happens in different kinds of weather?”
New High Frequency Words: “she” & “was”
Phonics:blend and segment sounds in CVC words. New sounds/spellings: Kk, ck
Vocabulary: predict, temperature, clever, storm, drought
Math: Lesson 23 “Subtract within 10” and continue working on math pathways. Students have time to work on our math power standards at their own pace during math pathways time.