Category Archives: Uncategorized

Week of August 21st

We had an amazing first three days of school. Your children already have a special place in my heart and I am so excited for the school year. To help you keep on top of what we are doing in … Continue reading

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Back to School Night

Back to School Night is on Monday, Aug. 14th. Classroom presentations begin at 6:00pm and will be held every half hour until 8:00pm. Please come to whichever presentation works for you. I will be shutting the door during each session. If the … Continue reading

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Welcome to 3rd Grade 2023-2024!

I am so excited to meet all the students in my class this year! We’re going to have a great time together and learn a lot of fun things. I have many wonderful memories of when I was in third … Continue reading

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Happy Summer!

Thank you for a wonderful year! It has been an absolute joy to be your student’s teacher. We have learned a lot together and grown so much this school year. Each one of my students holds a special place in … Continue reading

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Week of May 22nd

Oh my goodness! This school year has flown by so quickly and I am left wondering where the time has gone. We are entering our last week of school and there is so much going on! Please make sure that … Continue reading

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Tie-Dye Shirts for Field Day

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Week of May 15th

MATH/SCIENCE OLYMPIAD – We need volunteers to help judge the Math/Science Olympiad. If you are willing to help, please sign up below. Judging will be from 8:45 – 10:00 on Thursday the 18th.   Sign up for the Math/Science Olympiad. We need more … Continue reading

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Quest Talent Show

Quest Families,  Quest’s annual talent show will be held on Thursday, May 25th. Kindergarten and 1st grade will perform at 8:40am, 2nd and 3rd grade will perform at 9:15am, and 4th and 5th will perform at 9:50am. Students in the … Continue reading

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Week of May 8th

We are half way through our testing period. Please make sure that your child gets plenty of sleep and has a good breakfast. ICE CREAM MULTIPLICATION PARTY – On Tuesday, May 23rd, we will be having our Multiplication Ice Cream Party. … Continue reading

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Week of May 1st

The State RISE test begins on Monday morning. This will be the start of our testing period which will last for the next two weeks. Please make sure that your child gets plenty of sleep and has a good breakfast. … Continue reading

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