December 3-7

                                               “Don’t limit a child to your own learning,                                                                            for he was born in another time.”
                                                               – Rabindranath Tagore                                                                           

Important Dates:

12/03: STEM Lab
12/06: Library
12/07: Early Release, Spirit Day

Classroom Information:
I cannot believe we only have 2 short weeks left before we go on Christmas break (December 17-January 1). We have SO much to accomplish that these next few days will fly by. On Friday, December 14th we will have our 3rd grade Grinch Party, as well as a small classroom celebration.  There is a BLOOMZ post with more information on how we celebrate in 3rd grade! For our classroom celebration each student will need to bring a small wrapped gift for a white elephant gift exchange by Thursday, December 13th. This does not have to be anything big or expensive, it should just be something that your child would enjoy receiving. 

Math in Class
This week we will continue working on addition and subtraction using place value.
Screen Shot 2018-11-14 at 9.32.49 AMScreen Shot 2018-11-14 at 9.32.59 AM
Language Arts in Class
We are diving deeper into our study on landmarks, and will continue focus on main ideas and supporting detail. As well as continuing our study on landmarks, we are also working on informational writing. We are learning all about caribou and how they are equipped to live in their environment.

Changing Weather:
The weather is getting cooler and we are bound to have some rainy and snowy days. Please make sure that your child comes to school prepared for the weather of the day. Snow boots, coats, rain jackets, and gloves are helpful to have on hand during these colder months. I have a few knit hats and pairs of gloves that were donated to our class. If your child needs some, please send me an email, BLOOMZ message, or have your child tell me and I will get them whatever they need.

Lost Coat?
Our Lost & Found is overflowing! If your child has brought a coat, hat, gloves to school and they have disappeared they could, very well, be in the lost & found bin in the lobby. Please remind your child to take a look, and I promise to give them a reminder as well.


No surprises! 20 minutes of reading every night and Reflex. Please make sure that your child gets a green light in Reflex AT LEAST 3 times during the week. If doing Reflex at home is not possible at times, please send me an email or Bloomz message so that I can arrange for your child to have an opportunity to get it completed at school.
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