ELA Theme This Week…Natural Disasters

The essential question for our reading instruction this week is, “How do people respond to natural disasters?”  Given the recent flooding and tornadoes in our country,  this week’s theme is timely.  However, I know that many children experience anxiety when talking about extreme weather and its unpredictable effects.  We will be talking very briefly about the following: tornadoes, earthquakes, flooding, landslides, volcanoes, hurricanes, tsunamis, wildfires, and avalanches.  Included in the discussion will be a short explanation of each event, where they are more likely to happen, and what we can do to avoid or be prepared for each.  Please talk with your student about these topics and let me know if they are nervous.  We will do our best to reassure them of their safety!

Thanks so much for sharing your darling children with us!  They are wonderful!
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