September STEM

Thank you so much for all the donations! Our stem projects turn out great. 
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Pioneer and Mountain Men Projects

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This week…


I apologize that I wasn’t able to post this week’s homework until late Monday night.  If your student doesn’t have time to go back and do the math problems for Monday, that is just fine.

STEM Project

We appreciate all of the donations that have been made for our “Shelter Building” project this Thursday.  We now have plenty of cardboard and toilet paper rolls.  We could still use tape, pipe cleaners, and paper towel tubes.

Cookie Dough

Thanks so much for working so hard to sell cookie dough! Our school did amazing and shouldn’t need to have anymore fundraisers this year! Awesome!!!


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STEM Project Supplies

We will be completing a “Shelter Building” engineering challenge in class.

Please send any of the items on this list to help us complete our project.  We’d like to have supplies gathered by September 20th.  Thank you!

*cardboard pieces cut up (Kleenex boxes, shoe boxes, shipping boxes, etc.)
*Toilet Paper Tubes
*Paper Towel Tubes
*Paper Plates
*Pipe Cleaners
*Wax Paper
*Rolls of Tape
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Quest Academy Fundraiser!


We are selling 
Cookie Dough to help fund awesome things for our awesome students! Proceeds from the cookie dough will help to fund school activities like clubs, sports, field day, field trips, library books, and more. 

Here are some things to know:
The fundraiser sale begins TODAY
Orders are due back by Sept 18
Make checks to POQA
Cookie dough orders will arrive Oct 6 at the school

Online sales also count and they are an easy way to invite family and friends to place orders.
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This is the Place Field Trip

We are taking our first field trip on September 28th to This is the Place. We are sadly limited on the number of parents we can take on the trip. Please indicate on the form if you are interested and I will have a random drawing of interested parents and let you know soon if you are chosen (Please note: NO SIBLINGS are allowed to attend by request of This is the Place). Don’t worry as I am sure we will have other trips this year for you to attend. 

We are asking for a $5 donation to help cover the cost of the trip.
Please sign the Google form giving your permission. If the form is signed early enough you have the option of getting your child’s lunch from the school. There will be an Uncrustable, choice of milk, and a few other options to go along with the sandwich.

Permission Slip Form
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Homework Starts This Week

Our class did great logging into Google Classroom and filling our the Google document for their practice homework last week.  I’ve assigned them a new document for this week.   After they have completed the work and recorded their reading minutes, they should click the submit button so that I know they’re finished.  They actually have until the following Monday to turn it in so that reading minutes from the weekend may be included.
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Hello families,

We have been practicing homework in class this week.  Students should know how to login to Google Classroom and complete their homework.  It is very simple this year.  They should read 100 minutes per week and complete a few review math problems each day.  If you would like them to do more, I’ve included the week’s spelling and vocabulary that they can study.  The math problems are for you to see what we’ve learned in class and how your student to doing with the concepts.  Please let me know if you have trouble getting in at home.  (tablets can sometimes be tricky)  Thanks for sharing your sweet children with us!  It’s been a great start to the year!

In case your student needs a reminder:
1. Click on the link to Google Classroom on the right side of the blog.
2. Students will login to Google Classroom (They should know their usernames and passwords) if not… 

a) Username is the student’s email.  Example: 
b) Password: student’s first initial, last initial, their 3 ID numbers, then rams
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Homework and Reading

We are going to start learning how to fill out the homework document in class this week.  
Students should become very familiar with the process so that next week they can easily complete the work at home.  For now, please have them read 20 minutes each night and we will record their time in a Google Document the next day at school.

Reading Help
I’m often asked for advise by parents of children who don’t love to read. I’ve compiled a list of things you can do to make reading more enjoyable for your child. I’ve also listed some reading activities that can take the place of “sitting down with a chapter book for 20 min.” Please comment if you have suggestions to add to the list! As the mother of a child in this same category, I’d love to hear what has worked for you as well. 

*Reading is reading 
Joke books, cookbooks, magazines, poetry, and even searching online can count toward reading minutes. Let them search a favorite topic online, read a recipe and its instructions to you while you cook, or read a favorite Shel Silverstein poem over and over until they have it memorized.

*Pay attention to genre 
Do they prefer fiction or nonfiction books? Is there a movie they love that was made from a book? (You’d be surprised how many are!) Is there a topic they are currently interested in? Children can generally read several levels above their independent reading level if they are highly interested in its content. Harry Potter for example…. 

*Read together
I know time is scarce, but even if it’s just for a few minutes, it will feel less overwhelming and more enjoyable for a hesitant reader. I like to let the child pick which paragraph on the page they’d like me to read. This gets them out of reading that impossibly long paragraph they are dreading. You can also take turns reading every other paragraph, or if it’s just one of those nights, you read the page and let them pick which paragraph they are willing to read. 

*Audio Books 
There is nothing wrong with listening to a book from an audio file as long as the child is following along in the text. This can actually be a very useful tool for children improving their decoding and comprehension skills. They can use headphones and snuggle into a comfortable spot, or in the car on the way to and from school, dance, soccer, etc. (Just as long as motion sickness isn’t an issue.) : )

There are many websites that can engage students in reading as well. Here are a few free sites that your child might enjoy. 
Into the Book
Professor Garfield
Poetry 4 Kids 
Kids National Geographic
Wacky Web Tales – (Mad Lib type stories)
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ELA Theme This Week…Natural Disasters

The essential question for our reading instruction this week is, “How do people respond to natural disasters?”  Given the recent flooding and tornadoes in our country,  this week’s theme is timely.  However, I know that many children experience anxiety when talking about extreme weather and its unpredictable effects.  We will be talking very briefly about the following: tornadoes, earthquakes, flooding, landslides, volcanoes, hurricanes, tsunamis, wildfires, and avalanches.  Included in the discussion will be a short explanation of each event, where they are more likely to happen, and what we can do to avoid or be prepared for each.  Please talk with your student about these topics and let me know if they are nervous.  We will do our best to reassure them of their safety!

Thanks so much for sharing your darling children with us!  They are wonderful!
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