Homework Sorts
Dear Parents,
We have had new students added to class and therefore have to assess them for their levels. Due to this, the Words Their Way sorts lists will not be posted to my blog to complete the sorting homework until this Friday. This will allow time for the necessary assessments to all take place for leveling accurately. Thank you so very much for your patience and help with this. We have been working on their sorts together in class to familiarize them with what they will be sorting at home. Please have your children continue reading their 20 minutes at night. This can be done with books at home or by logging into Raz-Kids. Raz-Kids would be the reading I would encourage so that it they are reading to their accurate reading abilities. To log into Raz-Kids, you will type or copy this website address: http:/www.raz-kids.com/main/Login It should automatically pull up our class. If it doesn’t, my teacher username is anelson74. Type that in and hit “GO”. Then click on your child’s name. I will have each of their passwords for Raz-Kids in their Homework folders. There is also a math page each week on what we are covering for the kids to complete and return each Friday. It is imperative that your child is taking home their homework folder each night and returning it the following morning.