Enterovirus Information

Dear Parents,

I just wanted you to be aware that the enterovirus is now affecting Utah. Please know that if a child has a cold and then complains about having a hard time breathing, they need to see a doctor. I will monitor the children closely here at school for any red flags. We will be talking about the necessity to wash hands vigorously for 20 seconds after bathroom use. I will have children call home if I am concerned about this virus.  Please visit the CDC and/or Enterovirus Fact Sheet for more information.

I plan to keep our classroom clean and sprayed to deter the virus from affecting us.  Because this virus is different than others, we will need a few more classroom donations.  If you can donate an item, please reply to this post so others can see what still needs to be donated.

*2 Hand sanitizers (alcohol greater than 80%), sold at stores such as Walgreen’s
*3 containers of rubbing alcohol (at least 60% alcohol)
*Empty spray bottle
*2 rolls of paper towels

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