This week is Positive Me week. This event is designed to help students identify and work on their self-esteem and how to care for themselves. There will be different focuses and an activity each day in class. Here is the list of dress up fun for each day
Monday-”Scare away bad health”
Wear Crazy socks
Tuesday- “Scare away drugs”
Wear Red (Uniform shirt)
Wednesday- “Scare away Bullies”
Show “Team Spirit” wear a team jersey or a t-shirt
Thursday- “Scare away negativity”
Wear your favorite accessory such as a bracelet, pin, hair bow. belt, tie. Please no hats.
Friday- “Scare up some fun”
Wear a costume or wear orange
Halloween Parade and Party (Friday, Oct. 31)
The Halloween Parade Starts at 9:00 and parents are welcome to watch the parade as students walk through the Q2 gym.
We are having a Halloween Party from 11:30am – 1255pm. If you didn’t sign up to help, but would still like to volunteer, please let me and Natalie Galt (801) 336-7554 know. Permission slips went home last week with the students. Please get them returned as soon as possible. We are also asking for a $2 donation per child to help pay for the party. Parents are providing some games, a craft, snack, candies, cookie decorating, etc, and it’s always nice to have extra hands I will be sending permission slips home on Monday to those students who have not returned them to me.
THANKS for all of your help!
The following parents signed up to volunteer for the Halloween Party: Jeanie Allmon, Amy Fisher, Chasity Smith, Dustin Munford, and Cynthia Purser.