Homework this week is due on Friday, April 24:
Friday is early out day and also a dollar dress down day. We will also be viewing Charlotte’s Web this day during class.
1- Math Homework:
Keep practicing your math facts! Parents: it is now more important than ever that students get their basic addition and subtraction math facts memorized. It is a great idea to use Xtra Math: https://xtramath.org/ (find login info HERE) during the next several weeks to help memorize math facts. You can also use flashcards, etc. Below is the link for this week’s math homework pages:
Ch 9 Lesson 5
Ch 9 Lesson 8
2- Reading 20 minutes per day, record on reading log. Please have your child read at least one day in Raz-Kids and complete the comprehension quizzes at the end of the books. Library day is TUESDAY-please send your students with their book.
3- Timed Fluency Practice. This daily one-minute timed fluency reading will help your student become a fluent reader. It will also count for reading minutes.
Click here: HFW-Fluency-Practice-27
4- Word Sort & High Frequency Word homework. Weekly Homework Organizer
High Frequency Words:
She will write to me.
SPELLING SENTENCE 10 POINTS POSSIBLE ON TEST (one point for each correctly spelled word, 2 points for correct uppercase and lowercase letters, 2 points for finger spaces between words, and 1 point for the correct punctuation mark at the end of the sentence.)
SORT GROUPS: *** new sorts this week ***
RED GROUP: Cooper, Owen, Jessica, Tony, Tyler
PINK GROUP: Nickzia, Sam, Sydney, Brycen
YELLOW GROUP: Kali, Lily, Konlan, Oakley, Humberto, Mylee, BrynDee
GREEN GROUP: Aaron, Kaleb, Trevyn, Britton, Brielle, Walker, Lavea
BLUE GROUP: Samantha, Summer
PURPLE GROUP: Jack, Braxtyn