On Friday, December 18th we have our Winter Party 11:30-12:50. Thank you so much for all of you willing to donate your time and resources to make this possible, the entire first grade team appreciates it so very much! Please sign the permission slip below if you have not already done so:
Winter Party and Activities

Pajama Party on Thursday to watch Polar Express. We are unable to have the children bring blankets, stuffed animals, or pillow due to sanitation.
**FRIDAY-Winter Party 11:30-12:50, Dress Down Day, and Early Out.
2- TUESDAY: Library Day. Your child will be bringing home a paper quilt square to complete and return. It will be used to create a Quest Diversity Quilt. Information will be coming on Tuesday from our librarian, Mrs. Anderson.
3- Help us earn playground equipment by collecting Box Tops and Campbell’s soup labels.
Shopping on Amazon? You can help our school, no extra cost to you, when you make purchases through Amazon, they will donate a percentage to Quest. Click here for details: Amazon