No Homework this week.
K-2nd Grade Talent Show
THURSDAY, MAY 26- Early Out 1pm
Yearbook Signing
FRIDAY, MAY 27- Early Out 1pm
FIELD DAY-wear sunscreen, hat, bring water bottle. Free Dress Down (1st Grade wear RED. Meet the 2nd Grade Teachers.
School lunch will not be available. Please send a home sack lunch-no microwaves will be available.
***Please know that these Book Buddy books are purchased in sets, so when a book is missing, an entirely new set must be purchased to replace it. These sets cost between $35-$40 to replace, depending on which set it is. Please plan on submitting $35 to the office by Friday of next week (May 27th) if you are unable to locate your Book Buddy book so that we can be prepared with book supplies for next year’s students. Thank you so much for your help with this!