1- Math Homework:
- Please look in your child’s blue folder for this week’s fluency timings (“Adding Three’s”) in a plastic sheet protector. Have your child practice these facts repeatedly using a dry-erase marker. Time how long it takes to finish and record their best time and score each day on the “Math Homework” form (included in the blue folder also) and return on Friday. If your child frustrates too easily because it takes too long to complete, have them practice for 2-5 minutes (you can be the judge) and write down how many they finished in that time. By the end of 1st grade, the target goal is to finish the timings in 1 minute and 15 seconds, with 90% accuracy (23 out of 25 problems correct). Encourage your child to keep improving on their own score, rather than expecting them to reach the target goal yet. We have a whole year to reach it through consistent practice! Click here for extra timings: Fluency Timings
Helpful Hint: Here’s how we’re learning to “count on” in class when we’re Adding Two’s or Three’s:
Start with the bigger number and count on (Example: 3 + 5. Snap your finger and say “5″ and count on 3 more: say “5″ (snap)…”6″…”7″…”8″)
2- Reading 20 minutes per day, record on reading log:
Weekly Reading Log
This reading log has three weeks on one page. Just complete one week and send the log to school on Friday in their blue homework folder. Weekend is considered Friday-Sunday. This reading log is for Friday, September 2- Thursday, September 8. Return to school Friday, September 9.
3- Animal Report: Students selected a zoo animal of their choice. Please assist your child in researching their animal. We encourage you to help them find the information in various sources (books, encyclopedias, internet, etc.) rather than stating what they know or believe to be true. Click here to learn more about your animal on the Hogle Zoo website: Meet the Hogle Zoo Animals. Here is another fun animal website: Zooborns
Encourage your child to use their best handwriting. The reports will be shared with the class on Friday, September 16th. Your child may find it beneficial to practice reading their report to you prior to reading it for our class. Included in their blue homework folder on Friday was the animal report form and a scratch writing paper with the student selected animal. Click here to print additional report forms: My Animal Report