Hogle Zoo Field Trip Reminder

Zoo EntranceOur Hogle Zoo Field trip will be Thursday, September 22nd. We are still in need of field trip donations. Please pay your $4.00 donation to the Q1 office.  Thank you!  

With the date change we understand that chaperone availability may have changed also.  We are requesting ALL chaperones to sign-up on our Zoo Field Trip volunteer form.  We are only allotted 5 chaperone spots on the bus, we already have our chaperone bus riders.  All other parents are welcome to drive their own vehicle to the zoo or carpool with other parents.  These are the following chaperones we have coming already…and THANK YOU! 
**We would prefer having at least two more chaperones to pair up, if you would be able to chaperone and help one of the existing chaperones please email Mrs. Nelson asap****
Mike and Shalee Salerno
Rachelle Clegg
Sami West

Chelsee Gray
Nicole Bell
Heather McTee
Cami Davis
Carrie Bambrough
Nicole Shupe 

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