I have attached our 1st grade Yearly Permission Slip to sign here below as well as some of our volunteer opportunities to get those volunteer hours in. In order to help simplify the process of activities and permission slips needed. Please e-sign the form below for your student for our yearly activities:
1st Grade Yearly Permission Slip
Volunteer Opportunities
There are just a couple upcoming dates to be aware of.
Back to School Night is Friday, August 17th at 5:30 p.m.
The first day of school is Tuesday, August 21st.
School is early out release Tuesday, August 21st through Friday, August 24th at 1:30pm.
There are 2 options for classroom supplies donations this year. You may pay the office $35 and I will purchase all school supplies, or purchase the items separately and bring to school on Back to School Night. Here is the link for the supply list: It’s also very important that your student have over the ear headphones and a backpack without wheels, and please only label your student’s headphones and backpack. All other supplies will be general supplies in the classroom.