Please help your student(s) come to school prepared and ready to go by, getting a good night sleep and, eating a good breakfast. Having your student(s) to school on time will also help. It gives students a chance to play and “Chill Out” with friends before taking their tests. We will be giving the kids a snack to help them gear up for testing success! Please remind your student to take their time and to just do their very best.
To order a school sack lunch for the field trip, complete permission form by FRIDAY, MAY 17th.
Hill Aerospace Museum Field Trip:
Our final field trip is Friday, May 24th from 9:35am-1:15pm to the Hill Aerospace Museum. Please have your student wear their white or blue uniform shirt for this field trip. They will need to bring a sack lunch from home as no school lunch will be available and it needs to be completely disposable- If your student will be purchasing a school sack lunch, please indicate on the above Google Form your students choices (this need to be done by Friday.)
We will be leaving the school promptly at 9:30am directly after the year end talent show and returning to the school by 1:15pm. If you are able to chaperone the field trip please email Mrs. Nelson asap to get on the list-and if you signed up at the beginning of the year to chaperone this field please also email Mrs. Nelson. I am working on our field trip groups and need to know who will be available to chaperone. Please email Mrs. Nelson if you can help or plan on attending the field trip.