Oct.1-5 Homework

Our homework is a bit different then usual. We have a book report coming up. At the beginning of the school year I assigned each student a library book that was chosen by me. Students needed to finish reading these books by the end of the week (Oct 5). Most of our class has completed them already. They have been kept on their desks and read during the day or after they are all caught up. They have also been working on the outline in class too. A handful of students haven’t finished their books and/or finished the book report outline. Both finishing the book and finishing the outline need to be done as homework. Outlines are due FRIDAY. I will be turning in their library book Friday morning, so make sure they come back-please.

I have addition copies of this in my classroom or you can print them out at home.

Here is a link to print out if they haven’t gotten one from me already. Book Report Form.

After Friday, student will be creating/finishing a Google Slides book report as homework. These will be due Oct 12. More information regarding the Google Slide Book reports will be sent out next Monday. They will be given a chance to start them this week at school but most kids like to really polish them at home. Google Slides are fun!

***If your student has the book read and the form completed…they may work on their multiplication facts using Reflex (to a green light). Also, have them read for 20 mins. from a book of their choice and work on Prodigy for 10-15 minutes each night.

NEW Scholastic Book orders are due Oct 22. The last one closed today.

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