Homework April 15-19

CHANGES IN TUTORING-I won’t be holding “open” tutoring. I will be having specific students come in for tutoring. You will be contacted when your student needs to attend.

ReadWork articles-any that you haven’t finished. Remember I only allow you to miss two questions.
Read for 20 min. each night
Practice Reflex for our Friday RACE DAY!
Submit your reading minutes on Thursday evening.
Screen Shot 2019-04-15 at 11.42.28 AMWHOlives
Tuesday: For our WHOlives, we will be collecting pennies and nickels. 
Wednesday: Dimes
Thursday: Quarters
Friday: Dollars
***A flier was sent home with the kids today with more information.

Notification from: Quest Academy
On Monday through Friday starting April 15th, Quest Academy will begin a simple week-long activity that teaches COMPASSION, COLLABORATION AND INNOVATION in a very hands-on way. This WHOlives Service Learning program also offers STEM-related principles that apply to real-life problems. You can learn more at: www.WHOlives.org/learning.

WHOlives is a nonprofit 501c-3 organization based in Utah, with a mission to bring water, health and opportunity to children in developing countries that are at great risk, due to scarce and contaminated water.
In an assembly at Quest Academy on Monday, April 15 we will discuss the world water crisis with a short 20-minute audio/visual presentation and introduce the Change for Water Challenge. The Challenge invites students to bring in coins throughout the week to help create a well in Africa.
Thank you for your support of this powerful week of service learning. Students are encouraged to do chores at home or for friends and neighbors to earn coins to bring to school each day. We also encourage students to find one sponsor to donate $5/month for 12 months, giving clean water to 12 children for life. With your help, our school will bring water, health and opportunity to thousands of children in need. 

Quest Administration

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