Monday, April 15 we attended an assembly that discussed the world water crisis with a short 20-minute audio/visual presentation and introduce the Change for Water Challenge. The Challenge invites students to bring in coins throughout the week to help create a well in Africa. Families received an email containing more information about this. This week we will be reading the wonderful book below.
Students may also receive a personal copy of the book when they reach their goal of finding one sponsor to bring water to 12 children at $5/month. WHOlives will also be donating other books to your library about the importance of water on the earth.
Our class will begin our morning with our simple empathy worksheet designed to promote discussion on what it means to “walk in another person’s shoes”.
I am excited to see the transformation of our students as they work together to help solve one of the most needless tragedies on the earth.
Thank you for your support of this powerful week of service learning. With your help, your school can bring water, health and opportunity to thousands of children in need. Please feel free to contact me with any questions you may have.