Halloween Class Party Details

If this is your first year at Quest, please review our wellness policy regarding food in the classroom. As Halloween is approaching, parents often ask if their children can bring candy to share for their classroom Halloween party. According to our wellness policy, students are not allowed to bring treats to share.

Please note that costumes should be modest and without blood or gore. Though students may paint their faces, masks and weapons are not allowed. Anything that depicts violence is banned (knives, guns, swords, spears, etc.). If you have questions about costume accessories, please contact us. Just to reiterate, no blood, either depicted on the costume or in makeup, is allowed. 

More Halloween parade details will be sent via email by our school administration.

The classroom party will start after the parade and last until 11:40 (when the students go to recess and lunch). In forth grade we combine our parties. I have my room of kids for 20 mins, then they are rotating into other 4th Grade teachers rooms for the rest of the time. Our room will be playing a Halloween Kahoot. Kahoot is an electronic quiz game that the kids love! I don’t need parent volunteers for this party BUT you are always welcome to come and play kahoot and move with your child into different rooms for the duration of the party. I think it is fun to stay and have lunch with them this day. Then, check out early ;).  It is early out day-1:00. When the kids come back from lunch at 12:35 we will be playing a short game and cleaning our room.

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