Quick Reminder/Info

A quick reminder: The Fourth Grade Utah History program is tomorrow night, Thursday April 28th at 6:30PM. Students need to come in their best attire (or Quest uniform if they prefer) and be here on the bleachers by 6:20. Come early to see their digital displays. 

Additionally, to celebrate our hard work and GREAT behavior, we are having a Read-A-Thon on Friday. Students can bring a few small snacks to munch on, no drinks. They will not be able to share their treat with other students. They will drink their water from their water bottle during the event. Books and liquids don’t mix. We will be reading our class novel “Bunnucula.” Students will need to bring their books back from home Friday morning. They must be caught up in the reading to participate. We have read chapters #1-#7. Please encourage your child to read nightly.

Thanks, see you Thursday night!

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