February Happenings:

FEBRUARY Happenings:

  • February 1ST: 100th day of 4th GRADE!
  • Wednesday, February 14:  Please fill out this permission form  Valentines’ Day FUN
  • February 19- NO SCHOOL (President’s Day)
  • February 23- $1 Dress Down Day

Students may bring a Valentine’s box to collect their special notes. If they don’t bring one, I will provide a bag for them to use. It is optional to bring Valentines to pass out, if they do, they need to bring enough for 25 students. Please fill out this permission form if you would like them to receive candy from other students. Great options to bring are pencils, stickers, small trinkets, or candy. This is one of the only times Dr. Dave lets them pass out candy.

We will celebrate the last hour of the day. The kids can bring a board game from home to play with a small group of friends this day.

Thanks for coming to chat and celebrate your humans at PTC!!! It is so FUN to visit 😉

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