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Homework for October 9th -13th
Math Homework:
Monday: Lesson 9 Subtraction from 6 and 7
Tuesday: Lesson 10 Subtract from 8
Wednesday: Lesson 11 Subtract from 9
Thursday: Lesson 12 Subtract from 10
Friday: Lesson 13 Relate Addition and Subtraction
Complete every other problem (alternate between evens and odds) on the worksheets that will be coming home in the blue folder on Monday. Please check your child’s work for ACCURACY.
1. Math Homework for the week is due every Friday. I will no longer accept ANY homework if it is more than one week past the due date (unless other arrangements are made due to health or being out of town). ALL LATE OR MISSING HOMEWORK WILL RECEIVE A ZERO. In order to get the “Pay Day” prize students must have 100% homework turned in.
Happy Reading!!
2. Reading 20 minutes per day, THEN record it on the BOOK IT READING LOG in your childs’ GREEN HOMEWORK FOLDER. There are several sources for reading: books from home or the public library and Starfall as well as our online reading program Raz-Kids. Our class Raz-Kids login is: dvella0 (That’s a zero at the end).
Ipad users….
I have some wonderful news for those of you who have ipads. A company called Academic Success For All Learners has a fabulous app for only $10. The $10 allows you to get a whole set of eBooks. I would suggest starting with the first set (RED) which contains 27 ebooks. These are the same books we will be using for our class “Baggie Books.”
Here is their web site:
Their phone number is (435) 755-7885 you can ask for Andy if you have any questions.
Again I will be looking at your students weekly total for grading credits for but will NOT pull the reading log until the end of the month which, if completed, goes toward getting paid. Students will receive their FREE personal pizza coupon when they have read 80 minutes a week (or more) for 4 weeks.
A HUGE thanks to all the kids (and parents) in our class who have been reading and filling out their “TOWER OF BOOKS CHALLENGE.” We are just a book or two behind Mrs. Dunmeyer’s class. I know we can win if we all do our part so keep reading all the different books, check them off when you have 5 which earns your first then continue until you have a total of 10. If you have lost your paper or have any questions let me know.
3. Timed fluency practice worth 20 points. For this week’s fluency page click here: Timed Reading Fluency Practice
This daily one-minute timed fluency reading will help your student become a fluent reader. It will also count toward your 20 reading minutes. Time your student for one minute. Record the number of words they were able to read in one minute.
4. Weekly High Frequency Word homework. Here is the link to print our weekly homework form: Weekly Homework Form. Feel free to use this form however, you can also have your student write the words and sentence each night on notebook paper. Having your student practice reading and writing their words and sentence daily helps then become better readers and writers.
THIS IS DUE EVERY FRIDAY and helps go toward earning a monthly “Pay Day” prize. In order to gegt the prize students must have 100% homework turned in.
High Frequency Words for this week are:
I have a box of pens.
SPELLING SENTENCE 8 POINTS POSSIBLE ON TEST (1 point for each correctly spelled word, 1 point for beginning the sentence with an uppercase letter, and 1 point for the correct punctuation mark at the end of the sentence.)
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