Sweet Homework News

Home Bear

Dear Parents,
 After giving it some thought and after visiting with Mrs. Slaugh, we decided to create a “New Spelling Homework Form.” From now on, the form that is attached to the spelling writing-clip-art High Frequency Spelling Weekly Words list will  only contain a form with information needed to complete this assignment. I hope this simplifies things and helps all of you who preferred  printing a form off to just having your student write them on notebook paper.

reading clip art
Reading for All Learners “Baggie Books” will be coming home with your student tomorrow. I know that for many of the students these books will be very easy to read at first (YES!!!).
The purpose of these books is two fold. First, it is phonics based so students will be learning important phonics skills as they read, and secondly, it has reading comprehension  prompts (at the bottom of some pages) for the parents/teachers/volunteers to follow when reading with each student. 
Please make sure your student has mastered ( 100% NO MISTAKES) the Phonics/Sound page and the New Words Page before going on to read the stories.
In order to pass off the book, each student must make less than 4 mistake per book/story.
In the baggie you will find a parent letter, which is yours to keep, in addition to form for you and a volunteer to sign when reading with your student. Please keep the book and book list in your students baggie and backpack at all times except when reading with your student. This list will help us keep track of all our books,  as well as your students progress. If your student needs to keep a book for several days to reach proficiency explications that is perfectly fine just follow the above directions. Once your student’s book has been signed off, it will be replaced with a new book to read. Heheheheh I have a fun little incentive page for each student to color when they pass off each book.

**Remember a set of  these ebooks can be purchased for only $10. As far as I know, it only works on  ipads. See earlier posts for more information. 

star clip art
Starfall also has a one year subscription for PURCHASE. The purchase allows you to download the application to any of  your electronic devices. I HIGHLY RECOMMENDIT!!! I  have had a couple parents buy it for their student. I am told they are all absolutely loving it. The cost is $35 for 1 year. Check it out at Starfall.com. You may need to copy and post the address into you web browser. Let me know what you think.

Thanks so much for your patience as we try to work through and  improve modes of delivering teaching and learning tools.

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