Computers OH WHAT FUN!
We have been practicing logging in and out of our computers.  

You can help your student by having them practice typing their username.

Username: firstname.lastname
For example:   john.doe

WE have learned that a  URL is an address to a page,  and that each page adds a tab. WE have learned about the Quest Academy Home Page.  WE can find lots of neat apps under the “For Students” tab drop down box titled “Student Links.”

WE have also been visiting some fun web pages/sites. The following are just a few of our favorites that you may want to check out too:
Story line on line has famous people reading wonderful books. Last week we listened to ” My Monster is Missing” and today we listened to “Harry the Dirty Dog.”

WE LOVE GO NOODLE!!! I hope your student has been talking about Go Noodle. It’s so fun!!! You choose a little champ who evolves as you complete 10 activities. There are several levels. Today we completed Level 5 with Bart Reynolds. See certificate below because I told the kids I would post it to our blog! I will send home a note about it tomorrow.

Class DOJO… So far I only have 14 parents signed up for this so I will be sending home a note with more details about this tomorrow. PLEASE sign up!! This is a great way for you to track your students progress throughout the day. Some days are more active than others. Your student can/will eventually build e-student work portfolios on their dojo.

Starfall is another program that I/WE  USE A TON! You can use our free very limited version in the “Student Links” or for about $35 you can download a yearly subscription. IT IS WORTH THE MONEY TRUST ME. If you have any questions I will be more than happy to show you!!!

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