There are 4 components due for this weeks homework:
1. My Math Lessons 8-12
***Last chance to turn in My Math Homework Lessons 5-8 for credit
2. Math Timings 4′s
3. Reading: 100 Minutes (Due Sunday October 16th but RECORDED Monday 17th)
4. Spelling
Our Math and LA lessons constantly build on previous skills learned. When your student misses, even for 1 day, they are often frustrated and confused when returning to school. They also forget daily school routines and expectations that are critical for success! PLEASE make every effort to keep your kids prepared and in school the whole day whenever possible.
Please make sure your student has the proper school attire such as sweaters, jackets and or coats. If your student wants to wear a sweater or jacket throughout the day in the classroom, all jackets/sweaters must meet Quest uniform standards. If you are not sure what they are please refer to them on the school web site.
1. Math Homework for the week:
Monday Lesson 9: Count by 5’s with Nickles
Tuesday Lesson 10: Use Models to Compare Numbers
Wednesday Lesson 11: Use Symbols to Compare Numbers
Thursday Lesson 12: Numbers to 120
2. Math Timings 4’s
Worksheets: The purpose of homework is for a quick review, some practice, and a chance for parents to see what their child is learning in math. Please complete every other problem (alternate between evens and odds so your child gets practice doing story problems AND ALL “Vocabulary Check”/ “Test Practice” problems each week). If your child wants to do every problem they are certainly free to do so! Please help your child read the directions/example problems and allow them to talk about the problems as they figure out the answers. Please check your child’s answers for accuracy!
“Adding Four’s Timings. Record your best time/ score each day on a separate piece or paper if you choose not to print them off, and then attach it to your student’s homework. [By the end of first grade, the target goal is to finish all 25 problems in 1 minute and 15 seconds, with 90% accuracy (23 out of 25 problems correct).] If your child frustrates easily because it takes too long to complete, have them practice for 2-3 minutes ONLY (you can be the judge). Encourage your child to keep improving on their own score, rather than expecting them to reach the target goal yet. Click here for extra timings: Fluency Timings
Helpful Hint: Here’s how we’re learning to Add Four’s
4 + 0 = 4 When you add zero to any number, the sum is that same number
4 + 1 = 5 Start on 4 and count on 1 more
4 + 2 = 6 Count on 2 more
4 + 3 = 7 Count on 3 more
4 + 4 = 8 Make a mental picture & memorize this doubles fact (Picture a spider with 4 legs on each side and 8 legs total)
4 + 5 = 9 If you know 4 + 4 = 8, you know 4 + 5 is one more, so it equals 9 (We call this a near doubles fact)
4 + 6 = 10 We memorize this fact (Eventually, we memorize all the facts that “Make a Ten”)
I love to read!!
3. Reading 20 minutes/5 days or a total of 100 minutes/week:
RECORD YOUR READING ON YOUR “BOOK IT” READING LOG located in your green folder.
Parents Please update/transfer your students reading this month to the calendar I placed in your student’s folder. I apologize for the delay, I was in the process of getting the “Book It” Calendars ready to go.
WE are going to participate in the Pizza Hut “Book It” Reading Program. I love this program for so many reasons least of all are ALL the “Free Pizzas” that can be earned just by reading their 100 minutes.
***There are SEVERAL SOURCES for reading: Books from HOME LIBRARIES or the PUBLIC LIBRARY and our ON LINE READING program Raz-Kids. Our login is: dvella0 (that’s a zero)
Don’t forget about reading comprehension! Understanding what you are reading is just as important as being a fluent reader!!! PLEASE use these Re-Tell Ropes whenever you are reading with your student checking for understanding. THIS HELPS STUDENTS PREPARE FOR OUR LANGUAGE ARTS WORK ON FRONT ROW AND DIBELS TEST COMPREHENSION.
4. Phonics and High Frequency Words
High Frequency Words
Here is the link to print our weekly spelling homework form: New Weekly Spelling Homework **Remember if you choose not to print off and use this form you need to make sure your student is writing each word and the sentence daily on paper, and that all writing is nice and neat as well as organized like the form. the papers get turned in on Friday for credit.
Our first spelling test will be Friday, September 16th.
They have a bib and a mat.
***Your student needs to write the spelling words in the 1st 5 boxes and the 3 Phonics words in the following 3 boxes. There should be plenty of space to write the sentence once on the 2 lines provided at the bottom of each page on the form.
***This past week, I noticed a good number of students still starting/forming their letters from the bottom***
Please take a few minutes to review what your student has written as well as how. I am VERY picky about where the letters go, and how they are formed and that there is a space between words. Your student should NEVER BEGIN ANY LETTER FROM THE BOTTOM!!!! ***NO BOTTOM DWELLERS!!! It’s so important that students form good writing habits now. Bad habits are VERY hard to break!