1- Check your child’s green folder nightly.
Homework: My Math Homework lessons 4-7 due tomorrow. Last chance to turn in Lessons 1-3 for credit.
*Students are welcome to show their Quest pride by wearing their school spirit shirts (with uniform pants)
3- We are still in need of field trip donations. We are requesting a $15.00 donation to help with our field trip expenses, including the cost of bus transportation for the school year. These include Hogle Zoo, Ogden Nature Center, and Hill Aerospace Museum as well as $12.00 for class parties.
4- We are collecting Box Tops, feel free to send them in a plastic bag labeled with student name and grade.
5- Scholastic Book Orders for August were due today. September Book Orders will be due Friday September, 29th
Click here for easy online ordering, our class code is JBTR2: Scholastic Book Club