![Image result for free moon clip art](https://media.istockphoto.com/vectors/realistic-full-moon-vector-id584764738?k=6&m=584764738&s=612x612&w=0&h=3QXN_E_9DfekopFBdh8RGu9oYTM5qAoZCHKdAScjAJ4=)
I will be sending home their moon journal (paper) this Friday. I’ll put it in your student’s homework green homework folder. PLEASE START RECORDING THIS FRIDAY. This 3 week project will give your student the opportunity to observe and record the phases of the moon. If there is a day(s) that they can’t see the moon, because it too cloudy, you can look at it via a link on our blog (bottom right side under the Math/Science links). It’s says 2016 but it’s not and when you go to the web page you can key in 2018. It will have a picture of what it looks now where you are living… It also has a ton of other interesting facts you can discuss with your student. FYI, the next full moon is supposed to be on October 24th with the new moon on November 7th.
If you have any questions about the project let me know. This is an important part of the 1st grade science curriculum so please help and support your child with this assignment.
*** When I went to print off the moon journal page this morning there was a small technical issue..LOL It didn’t/ wouldn’t print…SO with that in mind I am adding the Journal page below so you can print it from home. Please let me know if you have any problems or questions. *** When you print it off , you need to increase the image size to “Fit the Page” otherwise it will be VERY SMALL!!! HAHAHAHA