- ****9:00 am: Live Meeting Check in and Attendance Taken (Google.Meets.com see email for class code) Please remind your student to be muted and not chatting during instruction.
- Orange group: Bentlee, Camden, Karson, Khloe, Liam B., Lucy. Please read “Snow Day” before we meet on Tuesday. (Use group code and meet at 10:00 Tuesday, April 21st)
- Red Group: Evylinn, Jesus, Kensley Please read “Snow Day” before we meet on Tuesday. (Use group code and meet at 10:30 Tuesday, April 21st)
- Green Group: Hallie, Kali, Kanen, Lexi, Maddux, Tatum. Please read “Heat Wave” before we meet on Wednesday. (Use group code and meet at 10:00 Wednesday, April 21st )
- Purple Group: Alyx, Annabel, Eben, Liam C, Lillian, Lynndon, Mailey Please read “Rainy Day Fun” before we meet on Wednesday. (Use group code and meet at 10:30 Wednesday, April 21st )
- Orange group: Bentlee, Camden, Karson, Khloe, Liam B., Lucy. Please read “Snow Day” before we meet on Tuesday. (Use group code and meet at 10:00 Tuesday, April 21st)
1. Wonders Language Arts Lesson Video
- Complete your Wonders “Your Turn” pages: 295-297
- Writing Journal Video
****Remember you can always find the books we are reading for the week on your Wonders Online Activities site (Blue circle with red book).
These can be worked on throughout the week but for sure on Thursday and Friday since you should be done with your i-Ready Reading mastery practice.
2. I-Ready Reading: Go to clever.com and log in with your QR code. Complete 15 minutes M-W totaling 45 minutes for the week. Parents, please do not give your student the answers, rather let them learn from their mistakes and grow in confidence.
3. ECRI Phonics Lesson Part 1
ECRI Phonics Lesson Part 2
ECRI Phonics Part 3
Decodable Story Part 2: “Jen Knows How”
Decobable Story Part 3: “A Toy for Yong”
(Remember to reread the decodables at least 3 x’s)
Need a break between readings? Dance and sing along with this GoNoodle
(Remember to reread the decodables at least 3 x’s) OR you can do the following… Just Dance: I Got the Power Brain Break
4. Math Lesson Video :
We are working on Lesson 30 : Order Objects by Length
Complete Ready Math pages
5. I-Ready Math: Go to clever.com and log in with your QR code. Complete 15 minutes Monday-Wednesday.
Please have your child complete the teacher assigned MASTERY “CHECK” Lesson in blue on I-Ready Math. Please DO NOT help your child answer any questions with this assignment. Feel free to help them with any technical issues. They are welcome to use a piece of paper, manipulatives, or whatever they need to complete the “Check.” This needs to be completed by Wednesday, April 22nd.
6. Heggerty Phonemic Awareness Lesson
7. Ms. Smith reading: Don’t Push the Button
Read Aloud: Winnie the Pooh and the Blustery Day
- Additional Learning Ideas:
- Parent Letter Lesson 32: Understanding Length Measurement
- Read 20 minutes or more
- Raz-Kids Click on “Kids Login”. Teachers Username: nelson1st
- Wonders Online Activities
- Math Game: Addition Crossout (print the game board out or draw one on a blank piece of paper). Addition Crossout printout
- Keyboard: Go to Typer Island and spend 10 or more minutes practicing.
How to Video
- Listen to children’s stories from Audible