Painting is Fun on Friday

Image result for free clip art art class
We will be doing a super fun , BUT VERY MESSY painting project this Friday. I would strongly encourage students to bring an old LARGE painting shirt to wear (preferably button down) over their clothes. Button down shirts work best as students who have to pull shirts over their heads often get paint on them and everything else LOL. I would love some parent volunteers to help manage the students working on other activities while I am working on the painting project. If you can and would be willing to help that would be SO APPRECIATED.
The kids now go STEM lab first thing in the morning. SO as attendance is taken and they have their coats etc put away (approximately 8:35) we head to the computer lab. I would like to start the project as soon as they get back from computers which would be close to 9:30. If they are in our room this week, we will begin as soon as computers are put away which should be about that same time.
Send me an email or massage on Class Dojo if you can help.

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