Category Archives: Class News

Don’t Forget…Library Reading Challenge Minutes

Please click on the link below, to record your student’s weekly reading minutes. Help our class win the prize for the Library Reading Challenge:  Library Reading Minutes Log    Students earn a ship to color when their reading minutes are submitted … Continue reading

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WE will be 100 Days Smarter on February 1st!!!

The 100th Day of School lands on Wednesday, February 1st and we are excited to celebrate!  Each child is welcome to bring a collection of 100 items that day to school (100 buttons, 100 signatures, 100 pom poms…) It’s fun … Continue reading

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Changes to Parent Teacher Conferences

Dear Parent’s,You should have received an email from Quest Administration, about some changes being made to our current Parent-Teacher-Conferences yearly schedule. In order to comply with the changes, I have modified the PTC Sign-Up Genius dates, and times, to reflect … Continue reading

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First Grade Christmas Pictures with My Teachers

I am working on getting a ton of our cute class photos uploaded onto our blog. I am apologizing in advance for how long it is and has taken me. I hope that once you see them, it will have … Continue reading

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Important Weely Reminders

Here are just a few important reminders and upcoming dates to remember.  1- ALL HOMEWORK DUE TOMORROW FRIDAY, JANUARY 6TH.2- Library Reading Challenge“WHERE IN THE WORLD WILL READING TAKE YOU?”This year for the library’s reading challenge, we will submit reading … Continue reading

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Merry Christmas!

We hope you are having a WONDERFUL, VERY MERRY CHRISTMAS! Mrs. Sharp and I want to thank each and everyone of you for ALL the wonderful cards, gifts, and goodies. YOU made our holiday so special. I have been thinking … Continue reading

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IMPORTANT Weekly Reminders

1- ALL HOMEWORK DUE TOMORROW THURSDAY, DECEMBER 15TH. THIS INCLUDES DECEMBER READING LOGS!2-Please have your student get on our class blog and answer the “Question of the Week” before Friday morning,” I would like to share their responses Friday morning … Continue reading

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Class Question of the week December 12th-16th

I am so sorry for having a rather long gap in the “Weekly Class Question.” Here is a question that I think ALL the students will have fun answering. I look forward to reading their posts. Thanks for all your … Continue reading

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Please don’t forget that this Friday is an early out day, so plan accordingly. We are all excited to begin our break, but please don’t pick up your student early. I would hate for them to miss out on any … Continue reading

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This year for one of our service learning projects we will be collecting coins to donate to Mission K-9 Rescue. As a First Grade we HAVE been learning that everyone can serve and help others. Though our children may be young, they … Continue reading

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