Category Archives: Uncategorized

Library Day and Library Reading Challenge

Yeah!!! Tomorrow is library day. Please make sure your student comes with their library book so they can check out a new book. Also, I added a link to for the “Library Reading Challenge” to our class blog. Last year … Continue reading

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Thursday Parent Teacher Conference Time Slots

WOW!!!  I am sorry for the mix-up with the time slots. I am not sure why all the times were the same but have now fixed the problem. I apologize for inconvenience this may have caused.  The following is a … Continue reading

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Who Saw the Supermoon?

You won’t regret looking for the moon this coming Sunday for your Moon Journal because we’re about to see a record-breaking supermoon! The moon will rise in the east on Sunday, November 13 at 5:04 PM and set in the west on … Continue reading

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Library Reading Challenge

  “WHERE IN THE WORLD WILL READING TAKE YOU?”This year for the library’s reading challenge, we will submit reading minutes to travel across the continents. At the end of the year one class per grade will win the fabulous prize for … Continue reading

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Happy Belated Birthday Alex

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Super Cool Pizza Hut “Book It” Program Reading Resources

Dear First Grade Parents,Here is another great reading resource for you and your family. There are FREE printable pages, and activities. The R.E.D. Zone Home is just one of the cool links that I think you may enjoy. Feel free … Continue reading

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Last Minute Scholastic Book Order Coupons Expire 10/31

***DUE TOMORROW SCHOLASTIC BOOK ORDERS OCTOBER 31st*** I am so sorry for the late reminder to use your FREE book coupon on or before October 31st. I will be sending them home in your students GREEN HOMEWORK FOLDER Monday OCTOBER 31st … Continue reading

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Parent Teacher Conferences

Dear Parents,I noticed that several of you have selected one slot, in multiple months. If that applies to you I need you to select ONE TIME ONLY. By selecting more than one time, other parents won’t be able to meet … Continue reading

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Weekly Reminders

1. All Homework is due tomorrow. Math homework lessons 3, 4 and 5Spelling words Tuesday -ThursdayTomorrow is the last day I will accept homework from last week.2. Please check your student’s folder every night. 3. Parent Teacher Conferences– Thursdays: Sept 29 … Continue reading

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Important Reminders

Homework Due Tomorrow:                                                                           … Continue reading

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