Weekly Reminders for August 28th-September 1st

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  Check your child’s green folder nightly.

   Homework: My Math Homework lessons 4-7 due tomorrow. Last chance to turn in Lessons 1-3 for credit.
    *Students are welcome to show their Quest pride by wearing their school spirit shirts (with uniform pants)

 We are still in need of field trip donations. We are requesting a $15.00 donation to help with our field trip expenses, including the cost of bus transportation for the school year. These include Hogle Zoo, Ogden Nature Center, and Hill Aerospace Museum as well as $12.00 for class parties.

4- We are collecting Box Tops, feel free to send them in a plastic bag labeled with student name and grade.

5- Scholastic Book Orders for August were due today. September Book Orders will be due Friday September, 29th
Click here for easy online ordering, our class code is JBTR2Scholastic Book Club
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Rules and Procedures

Procedures Clipart | Free Download Clip Art | Free Clip Art | on ...School and classroom rules, and procedures, are designed to keep students, teachers, staff etc safe, productive and HAPPY! We have been reviewing and practicing  procedures (A LOT!!!!) and going over rules DAILY, and why they are important. However, the kids haven’t been following directions the first time or meeting expectations the last couple days which includes lining up for afternoon recess the last two days. As a result they have EARNED THE RIGHT TO MISS AFTERNOON RECESS TOMORROW (SAD choices, SAD Consequences) . Please talk with your student about what respectful students look like, AND sound like, when they are being respectful to themselves, others and to the school.
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August Reading Calendars DUE Tomorrow

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  • I will be COLLECTING AUGUST READING CALENDARS tomorrow and replacing them with a September calendar.
  • PLEASE make sure you have your student’s reading minutes recorded for for this week tonight.
  • You can total the minutes for the week on your student’s August Calendar, and then I will add them to the minutes you record, if any,  for this Friday- Sunday, September 1st-3rd.
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HAppy Birthday Emily!

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Homework for August 28th-September 1st

Home Bear

Dear Parents,
I just wanted to give you a little reminder and clarify some questions you may have regarding homework. By now, you should have taken the opportunity (hopefully) to read through my class disclosure, and therefore, have an idea about what my homework expectations are.  I want you to understand that by supporting your student’s homework requirements, you are setting them up for success, and building good work habits that will serve them now and in the future.
I know that some students struggle academically, and that homework can be…well…an interesting journey to say the least. I also know that when students stick with it, and complete required assignments, they are often times much more successful than those who may have an easier time academically but don’t complete assignments.
PLEASE feel free to meet with me if you have any questions or concerns regarding your student. I feel confident that, as we work together, we will can come up with solutions which will help your student be successful.

ALL Homework is due on Friday unless it is a week where the last day falls on another day.  An example of this would be Wednesday, October 18th. Any required or missing homework would be turned in on Wednesday NOT Friday…
Please make sure your STUDENT’S NAME is on EVERYTHING, and that ALL assignments are attached together. I can not give credit if I don’t have a name on a paper, and DO NOT keep nameless papers…LOL

*Please DO NOT wait until the last night to complete all assignments. This is not fun for anyone!!!!
*PLEASE read homework directions carefully. If it asks that certain elements to be done, such as underlining something, and your student doesn’t do it, they will not get full credit

Missing homework WILL NOT be accepted if it is more than one week past due! THE ONLY EXCEPTION IS ILLNESS OR IF YOUR STUDENT IS OUT OF TOWN AND then it must be turned in  as mentioned above.

***This Week There Are 3 Required Components for Homework:
1. My Math Homework Lessons 4-7
2. Reading 20 minutes/5 days or a total of 100 minutes/week.
3. Moon Journals

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1- My Math Homework Schedule:
Monday Lesson 4: Add Zero
Tuesday Lesson 6: Write A Number Sentence
Wednesday Lesson 5: Vertical Addition
Thursday Lesson 7: Ways to Make 

***Students should only be doing one math page/night so it doesn’t get too overwhelming. They are generally (BUT NOT ALWAYS) only required to do every other problem, evens or odds. PLEASE make sure you read the requirements carefully!

Generally, there will be 3-4 math Homework pages per week. Since we are moving to mastery of core standards,/concepts, I will be looking even closer at how they are doing with extra practice (Homework), as well as in class assignments, and on assessments. PLEASE DO NOT DO YOUR STUDENT’S WORK FOR THEM! IT DOESN’T”T HELP THEM AND HURTS THEM WHEN THEY  TAKE ASSESSMENTS!!! Rather, work with them to help them understand the concepts, which, gives them self confidence. 

*I love that homework is a bridge between home and school. You see what and how we are working on, as well as what your student knows and may be struggling with. 

***WE will be having our first math standards assessment/progress check Tuesday. I will be checking to see if students can write and addition number sentence correctly with information gathered from a several math stories. They can always draw a pictures to illustrate the story which  helps a ton!

I strive try to let you know, in advance, when we are going to have each assessment and chapter test.

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I Love Spelling!
Below is a list of High Frequency words we will continue to review this week. Although student’s  aren’t tested on them yet, it would be VERY helpful if you could help your student(s) review them.  They should be VERY familiar with ALL of them by the end of the week.

a, I, she, and, is, the, can, like, this, do, little, to, for, look, was, go, me, we, has, my, where, have, play, with, he, said, you, here, see

reading clip art

Quest requirements are that students read 20 minutes per day.
I require 5 days out of 7 for credit . That’s 20 minutes/day or  100 minutes/week. Students also need to have minutes initialed for credit. 

I will reading calendars on Monday for the previous week, since I know that some students read  a lot over the weekend.
I do this because I realize things happen so you have “2 Free” days per week if that make sense.
***Starting in August, I will place a MONTHLY CALENDAR in your student homework folder. Please DO NOT TAKE IT OUT EXCEPT TO MARK MINUTES.

I hope that this helps with some of the questions you may have had as far homework and grading. Please feel free to contact me if you have any questions or concerns. Mrs. Sharp and I want your student(s) to be happy, and successful.

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I Love Science!
Your student should have their “Moon Journal”  in their green homework folder. Please help your student with this SUPER COOL science project, by reminding them to view, then record the changes/phases of the moon through September 19th. I also have a link to the moon rise, set and phases on the bottom right hand and side of my blog. It says 2016 but there is a place to change the date once you get on the site. HAPPY MOON GAZING!
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Weekly Reminders

Related image
  • 1-My Math Homework due tomorrow Friday, August 25th.
  • 2-Reading Calendars- Please fill in the dates for the month and the minutes your student has read or that you have read to your student. Minutes need to be recorded Sunday for the week (Monday, August 21st- Sunday, August 27th).
  • 3-Continue to help your student with their Moon journal which is Due September 21st
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  • 4-We have have been reviewing, and practicing computer/ipad  care and usage procedures this week. Today, we actually used the ipads to practice addition using the STARFALL app. The kids absolutely loved it! I will admit that, although it was fun for the kids, it was pretty noisy with the kids not using head phones, SO, If you haven’t purchased headphones for your kiddo yet, please do so as we will be using technology daily from now on.
  • 5-If you haven’t joined our “Class Dojo” I invite you to do so. If you have lost or misplaced your access code, or need help logging on let me know,  I can help you.
  • I have only received signed class disclosures from the following students:  Addalee, Morgan, Locas, Alli, Holden, Ashlyn, Jocelyn, Kanyan, Kylie, Kayson, Emmie, Lia, Elias, Hugo, Lucas, Audree.  Please read through the disclosure carefully and return the last page signed if you haven’t done so yet. I need them ASAP!
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  • I have permission for ALL BUT  THE FOLLOWING student’s to eat  pizza on Friday for the whole year: Cham, Dominicus, Ashlyn, Morgan, Carlos and Addalee. If you would like your student to have pizza on Friday please let me know.
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Homework for August 21st-25th

There are only two component to this week’s homework.
*ALL MATH is due this Friday, August 25th. Please have your student’s work in the front of their homework folder and ready by Friday morning. Reading Minutes should ALL be recorded by Sunday August 27th.

I will put reading calendars in you students folders tomorrow so if you read tonight just record it tomorrow.

1-My Math Homework for the Week:

Monday Lesson: No Homework today
Tuesday Lesson 1:
Addition Stories
Wednesday Lesson 2: Model Addition
Thursday Lesson 3:
Addition Number Sentences

Please have your student(s) follow the lesson schedule by NOT WORKING AHEAD. I have them scheduled to follow what we will be learning about that day in class. 

My Math Worksheets: Please complete every other problem (alternate between evens and odds so your child gets practice doing story problems AND “Vocabulary Check”/ “Test Practice” problems each week). If your child wants to do every problem they are certainly free to do so ESPECIALLY SINCE THERE ARE ONLY A FEW PER ASSIGNMENT AND ARE PRETTY SIMPLE!! :)  Please check your child’s answers for accuracy

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I Love Reading!
2- Reading: 20 minutes/day or a total of 100 minutes/week:
RECORD YOUR READING MINUTES ON THE  “BOOK IT”  READING LOG located in your student’s green folder.

spelling writing-clip-art
I Love Spelling!
Below is a list of High Frequency words we are, and will be, reviewing over the next couple weeks. Although we aren’t testing them on these this week, it would be VERY helpful if you could help your student(s) review them this week AND next week. They should be VERY familiar with them. by the end of next week.

a, I, she, and, is, the, can, like, this, do, little, to, for, look, was, go, me, we, has, my, where, have, play, with, he, said, you, here, see

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I Love Science!
Today your student had the opportunity to view the eclipse. It was AWESOME to say the least. Please talk with your student about what they experienced.

Your student should have their “Moon Journal”  in their green homework folder. Please help your student with this SUPER COOL science project by reminding them to view, then record, the changes/phases of the moon through September 19th. I also have a link to the moon rise, set and phases on the bottom right hand and side of my blog. It says 2016 but there is a place to change the date once you get on the site. HAPPY MOON GAZING!

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Moon Journal and Eclipse

Our students will have the opportunity to use protective eye-ware to view the solar eclipse on Monday. Though we have watched a video on eclipse safety and reminded students to never look directly at the sun without protective glasses, we ask that you reinforce this with your children as well. Thank you!

Your child will be given a “Moon Journal” to keep in their blue folders from new moon to new moon (Aug. 21-Sep. 19), so they will be able to observe the moon either during recess or at home and draw an accurate picture of the shape of the moon they saw that day.  This should give the kids a chance to see the moon as it goes through all of its phases (full, three quarter, half, crescent, and new).  Undoubtedly there will be some cloudy days that prevent them from seeing the moon, so they can either draw clouds or visit the following website which displays the phase of the moon according to your location/time zone:  http://www.moonpage.com/index.html
Here’s another great link to see when the moon is rising, setting, and which phase it is in:  Moonrise, moonset, and moon phases
We will draw our observations of the solar eclipse for their first journal entry.  (Can’t Wait!)
Thanks for your help and encouragement!  I’ll collect their Moon Journal paper on Sept. 22.  Happy Moon Watching!


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Pidture Day Reminder

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Picture Day is Monday, August 21st
Wear school UNIFORMS, no spirit shirts (in the Spring there will be a dress down picture day)
Look for the picture day flyer in the blue homework folder.

One item you can purchase is our class picture.  This is item #13 for $10.00

You can pay online at: Bell Photographers
Online password is: questacad2017
Print your receipt & enclose in payment envelope (attached to flyer)

See flyer for additional payment options.

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Important Weekly Reminders for August 14th-18th

Image result for school reminders free clip artBEFORE and AFTER school procedures:
Students are welcome to enter the school anytime after 8:00, but, MUST GO DIRECTLY OUTSIDE TO THE BACK PLAYGROUND AREA. Parents may choose to WAIT WITH  their STUDENTS outside in the back until 8:25 unless other arrangements have been made. In the morning, teachers and staff members, often have meetings and/or  are finishing preparations for the day (see class disclosure), so parents, PLEASE, PLEASE, PLEASE, let your student(s) know that they ARE NOT to come down the hallway until  a teacher goes outside to get them at 8:25 which is when the first bell rings. The tarty/late bell is at 8:30. If your student is late they must GO TO THE OFFICE to get a tardy slip before coming to class.

Parents, please refrain picking up your student or having a sibling pick up your student outside our classroom door at the end of the day. Feel free to wait outside at our class’s meeting spot which is just past the first tree after we exit the east side of the building.  Students who are being picked up in the back carpool lane, are to exit the EAST DOORS and STAY ON, AND FOLLOW, THE SIDEWALK around to the back area, I know it’s SSSSSOOOO tempting too, but PLEASE REFRAIN FROM, WAITING JUST outside the gate for your student! It creates a HUGE BOTTLENECK when parents and students wait right by the gate ESPECIALLY, when our sweet kinder kids are leaving to go home.

Class Disclosures:
I have received the signed portion of the disclosure, which is required, from the following students:
If you DO NOT see your student’s name below, please read through, print, and return it with your student TOMORROW. There is so much pertinent information contained in that document which applies, not only too our class, but Quest too. To find the CLASS DISCLOSURE, look under the Parent Information Tab on our class blog, click on the link, read carefully though the entire document then print off and signing the last page….

Pizza Friday’s:
I have OK’s for the following students to have pizza the WHOLE YEAR:
If you DO NOT see your student’s name I need to know if they have permission to have pizza EVERY FRIDAY for the WHOLE year. We are required to pre-order the pizzas every Wednesday so you can see why having prior permission will speed up the reporting process.

Next Week Heads Up….
Next week we will be in full swing with classes beginning at 8:25 and dismissals Monday-Thursday at 3:00 and Friday at 1:30. It will be a LONG day/week for your students (and LOL teachers). Please help your student(s) be successful by getting a good  night sleep, as well as a having a good breakfast. We will also continue to work hard on learning class and school rules, procedures and expectations. WE will begin teaching math and language arts curriculum, in addition to some super cool science and social studies activities.

We will have picture day, as well as an eclipse, on Monday. WOW that will make for one EXCITING DAY I’m sure. Students need to wear their uniforms for pictures on Monday.

I will be sending home homework for math, as well as a fun science project called  “Moon Journals,”  but not for language arts or social studies. The math should be fairly easy for everyone and only take a few minutes to do. Students only need to do the even or odd problems. for the Moon journal, students need to observe the moon as it changes through each phase for approximately 15 days.
Again, PLEASE remember we are still in the learning process so please be patient with your student(s), as we work together and towards a wonderful, successful year!!!

****I was so very impressed with the kids today. I gave them a challenging writing assignment that was linked to the story “Monsters Love Colors. Ask your student(s) about it. They did a fantastic job!

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