This week we’re doing homework in full swing! Below is an outlined schedule of what your child should be doing every night!
-Read 20 minutes
–Readworks article – “Say Hello to the Giant Gorilla”
(If you don’t remember how to get onto Readworks, see the homework post from last week.)
-Read 20 minutes
–FrontrowEd math assignment – #91 targeted practice assignment
(Our classroom code for FrontrowEd is fp4erg. The kids have used this code dozens of times, and most will probably have it memorized)
– Read 20 minutes
–Readworks article – “What Happens When it Rains”
-Read 20 minutes
–FrontrowEd math assignment – #83 targeted practice assignment
FILL OUT THIS FORM! – This holds students accountable for reading and requires a parent e-signature. Students should only fill this out on THURSDAY NIGHT! Not earlier or later!
There is no spelling homework. Our 4th grade team has decided to do spelling a little differently, so there won’t be anymore spelling homework!
Our This is the Place field trip is this Thursday! Hurray! Thank you for all the parents that volunteered to come! The winners of the drawing to come have been contacted.
Please email or Bloomz message me if you have any questions!
Homework and Field Trip
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