There is NO HOMEWORK this week. Homework will start next week and details for that will come soon!
Picture day is THURSDAY. Students should come in uniforms since this is the picture that will be on their badge. Envelopes have been sent home with information regarding buying options.
We are taking our first field trip on September 17th to This is the Place. We are sadly limited on the number of parents we can take on the trip-only 2 for our room. Please indicate on the form if you are interested in attending the field trip. I will have a random drawing and let the two lucky parents know who they are. I will draw the names out on Monday.(Please note: NO SIBLINGS are allowed to attend by request of This is the Place). If you don’t get chosen for this field trip, there will be others for you to attend.
We are asking for a $5 donation to help cover the cost of the trip for each student. Chaperones chosen will need to pay $7 as well. This can be paid at the front Q1 office. this We will be taking a bus, all chaperones can ride the bus or drive themselves.
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This Is The Place – Field Trip
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