Digital School is underway and going pretty well! I am overwhelmed by how supportive you have been with your child’s schooling.
Since our school closure has been extended, there is another pickup scheduled tomorrow. No one is really sure when this whole corona fiasco will be over and we can come back to school, so I’m planning for the worst and sending home personal belongings as well. Unfortunately, I don’t know exactly what my students want brought home (what books, personal pencils, etc.) so I will be sending home curriculum they will need, pencil boxes, and headphones. If there is anything else that they would like to be sent home – I need to know by 1:00 today so I can get it in their bag. Please email me ( if there are any special pencils, notebooks, or books that they would like to keep. It needs to be described in detail so I can find it and add it to their bag. Library books that I find will be returned to Mrs. Anderson.
Thanks again for your support in Digital School!
Pick-Up Tomorrow
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