Welcome new 4th graders! I’m excited to meet you all.
The following information is based on GREEN Health Guidelines. Adjustments will be made if we are yellow, orange, or red in August:
Tuesday, August 18, Back to School Night 5:30-7:30pm
Thursday, August 20, First Day of School/Early out at 1:00
Friday, August 21, Early out at 1:00
Monday-Friday, August 24-28, Full week of school
You can bring individual supplies and pay for classroom supplies at Back to School Night. Click here for more details on that.
KIDS – Here’s something you can do NOW to prepare for 4th grade:
We use those multiplication facts you learned in 3rd grade all the time in fourth grade! Go onto Reflex and practice, practice, practice!
PARENTS – Here are a few things you can do now:
1) Please subscribe to my blog by clicking on the right and inputting your email address. You will be sent a confirmation email. You need to click the link on the confirmation email to complete your subscription. Once this is complete, you will receive an email each time I update the blog. This is important to stay updated!
2) Please fill out this survey so I can get to know your child: Parent Survey as well as sign our Disclosure
3) Get the BLOOMZ app on your phone and follow these instructions on the attached flyer. I use this app for all parent communication along with my blog.
Our classroom code is: R6FPNG
Have a great summer! See you in August!
Welcome New Fourth Graders!
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