Category Archives: Uncategorized
Learning and Singing!
Here’s a few of our songs from the past couple of weeks: Our field trip was super fun! Pictures to come soon. If you haven’t paid the $5 class fee or the $5 field trip fee, please do so ASAP.
Parents, Beyblades are now banned for my students. There have been some problems with students not lining up when asked because they are too involved with these toys and fighting over them has also been reported. Please leave these at home. Thanks.
Bottles needed!
We are doing a STEM project this week. Our classroom needs 2 liter bottles – it would be great if we could get 6 of them. Bottles needs to be clear and need the lid. Thank you!
Upcoming Field Trip
We are taking our first field trip on September 27th to This is the Place. We are sadly limited on the number of parents we can take on the trip-only 2 for our room. Please indicate on the form if … Continue reading
All About that Place Value
Our first song! I love teaching your kiddos!Also – this is the last weekend to sell cookie dough. Order forms are due on Monday.
Homework is starting!
Homework for this week is different than how it will be for the rest of the year.Students will need to:Get a green light on Reflex (username: emily.dixon, click on Dixon 2018, students should know their password. If they don’t, feel … Continue reading
Parents, We have a fundraiser going on at Quest for the next couple of weeks selling cookie dough and beef jerky. This is the main source of income for our POQA and helps the school out so much! Please encourage … Continue reading
Fun, Fun, Fun!
Back in school and it’s so fun! We did a STEM activity and a Escape Room type of activity last week! Today we are back to learning! If you haven’t signed up for Bloomz, please do so ASAP!
Bloomz info
Here’s the info to get Bloomz in case you missed Back to School Night. It is the best way to communicate with me! Please download the app and put in our classroom code.