Positive ME Week

Some info regarding Positive ME Week next week:

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What we’re learning in math this week:

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Fall Break is this Wednesday – Friday, so no school! Enjoy the time off!

Info about Halloween will be coming soon. 

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Pokemon Cards are Banned

Pokemon cards are now banned from our classroom. We have had students who have been playing with them in the bathroom instead of coming to class. Bummer!
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Fun Events for Quest

Screen Shot 2019-10-02 at 3.22.24 PM Screen Shot 2019-10-02 at 3.24.02 PM
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Quest Academy Choir

Quest is doing a choir for 2nd- 5th grade students. All information and the permission form can be found HERE.

I am helping to accompany the choir and would love to see some of my cute students’ faces there!
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Week of 9/30 – 10/4

Here is what we’re learning in math:

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Have a great week!
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Some Songs We’ve Sung

Here are some songs we’ve sung over the past few weeks to help us learn math:

Also, here is some information about a Chik-fil-A night to raise funds for Quest:
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Week of 9/16 – 9/20

We have a field trip TOMORROW! Please make sure your child brings a backpack, their lunch (if they signed up for home lunch), a jacket, and an umbrella as it might be colder and rainy tomorrow. Electronics are not allowed on the bus, but students can bring a book, or a notebook to write and draw in if they would like. 
There is not a specific color students must wear, but they must all be in uniform. Please have your child on time to school at 8:30 so they don’t miss the bus.

Just a reminder that homework is optional, but reading at home is not! Reading aloud for 20 minutes a day helps so much.

Here is what we are learning in math this week:

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Have a great week!
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Homework is OPTIONAL


Reflex and Readworks homework is now OPTIONAL. Students are still asked to read 20 minutes every day and to fill out the reading link found under the Homework tab. 

Reading 20 minutes a day with your child is so important.  Have them read aloud to you and ask them questions about what they are reading. We hope they learn to love reading every day!
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Week of 9/9 to 9/13

Our fundraiser is coming to a close! Sell as many as you can before Wednesday!!

Homework this week can be found under the homework tab on my blog. Monday and Wednesday are Reflex and 20 minutes of reading. Tuesday and Thursday are Readworks and 20 minutes of reading. Students should also be filling out the Reading Form on Thursday nights to stay accountable for their reading.

Here is what we’re learning in math:
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Please email or Bloomz me with questions. 

Have a great week!
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Week of 9/3 – 9/6

Homework starts this week! Wahoo!

Every week, the breakdown of homework can be found under the Homework tab on my blog. On Mondays and Wednesdays, students will be required to get a green light on Reflex (this is temporary. Math assignments will change throughout the year). They will type in “emily.dixon” to login, then Dixon 2019. After they’ve found they’re name, they’ll need to enter their password. All students should know they’re password since we have done this in class multiple times. However, please email me if your child does not remember their password. 

On Tuesdays and Thursdays, students will be required to log onto READWORKS  to read an article, and answer the questions assigned. Our class code is XJYYJJ. The students’ passwords will be 1234 for this first time logging in. Once they log in, they are able to change the password if they would like. 

Students are required to read 20 minutes EVERY DAY! There are so many studies that show how crucial this is to a child’s reading abilities! Please make sure this is happening. On Thursdays, students will click on this LINK to log their reading and remain accountable. It does require the parent to sign off on it as well. 

Here is what we are learning about in math this week. There is an additional enrichment activity you can do with your child if you would like!
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If you have not signed the permission form for our field trip, please do so HERE
I will be choosing parent volunteers this week. The $5 is also due to the office this week. 
Have an awesome week!

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