All About That Place Value!

Week 2 down and we’re having fun and learning so much! This week in math, we learned about place value through this song. See if you recognize the tune.

Here are the lyrics:

Because you know I’m all about that place,

Bout that place – place value

I’m all about that place,

Bout that place – place value

I’m all about that place,

Bout that place – place value

I’m all about that place,

Bout that place

Yeah, we’ve got ONES here,

Then we’ve got TENS too

Then HUNDREDS – shake it, shake it

Oh yeah, place value

We’ve got that comma

Then it’s THOUSANDS space

All the right numbers in all the right places



We know a comma’s next

C’mon now – MILLIONS! Whoo!

If you’ve got numbers, numbers

Oh what a sight! 

All our numbers are placed perfect 

From the left and to the right

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This Is The Place – Field Trip

There is NO HOMEWORK this week.  Homework will start next week and details for that will come soon!

Picture day is THURSDAY. Students should come in uniforms since this is the picture that will be on their badge. Envelopes have been sent home with information regarding buying options.

We are taking our first field trip on September 17th to This is the Place. We are sadly limited on the number of parents we can take on the trip-only 2 for our room. Please indicate on the form if you are interested in attending the field trip. I will have a random drawing and let the two lucky parents know who they are. I will draw the names out on Monday.(Please note: NO SIBLINGS are allowed to attend by request of This is the Place). If you don’t get chosen for this field trip, there will be others for you to attend. 

We are asking for a $5 donation to help cover the cost of the trip for each student. Chaperones chosen will need to pay $7 as well. This can be paid at the front Q1 office. this We will be taking a bus, all chaperones can ride the bus or drive themselves.

Please sign the Google permission form 

Image result for field trip

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Back To School Night

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Back to School Night on Friday August 16th from 5:30-7:30pm

You may bring your classroom supplies that night.  The supply list is posted on my blog under Parent Info.

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Welcome 4th Graders!

Welcome new 4th graders! I’m excited to meet you all. 

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Our first week of school will be 
August 19-23.  These will all be short days.  NEW THIS YEAR~Short days will now be dismissed at 1pm. 

Back to School Night on August 16th from 5:30-7:30pm.  You may bring your classroom supplies that night.  The supply list is posted on my blog under Parent Info.  

KIDS – Here’s something you can do NOW to prepare for 4th grade:
We use those multiplication facts you learned in 3rd grade all the time in 4th grade! I already setup your REFLEX accounts. Please earn “3 Green light’s” per week.
Here is how you login: 
Username: emily.dixon
Password: rams
***ALL lower case letters***
Class: Dixon 2019
Find your name and GO!

PARENTS – Here are a few things you can do now:
1)  Please subscribe to my blog by clicking on the right and inputting your email address.  You will be sent a confirmation email.  You need to click the link on the confirmation email to complete your subscription.  Once this is complete, you will receive an email each time I update the blog. This is important to stay updated!

2) Please fill out this survey so I can get to know your child: Parent Survey

3) Get the  BLOOMZ app on your phone and follow these instructions on the attached flyer.  I use this app for all parent communication along with my blog.
Our classroom code is: 8RKYQX
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Have a great summer! See you in August!
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Cleaning out desks on FRIDAY

Please have your kids bring an empty backpack on Friday because we are cleaning out desks. If they won’t be here on Friday, I’ll have them do it the following Tuesday after Memorial Day. 

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FUN End of Year Activities!

The fourth grade team going to squeeze in one more field trip before the school year ends. We are going to go visit the Utah State Capitol on Monday, May 20th. We are excited to tour the facility and see several exhibits that correlate with 4th grade standards. We are especially excited to see THE GOLDEN SPIKE-Transcontinental display. Before returning to the school, we will cross the street and view several pioneer artifacts inside The Daughters of Pioneer Museum.

We would love to have parents come on this field trip with us! We can have 5 parent chaperones come on this field trip. You will be in charge of 4-5 students and will need to travel with us the whole day. Chaperones will also need to pay $5 to the front office. If there are more than 5 parents that sign up, then I will choose 5 parents at random. 


Key info:
Pay $5 field trip fee. You can pay that online HERE. Just put it under “field trips”
We will be taking a school bus to and from the venues. 
We will be leaving the school at 8:30 sharp and returning to the school at 2:30. 
Don’t be late that day, or you will miss the bus. 
Wear a school uniform.
Bring a sack lunch that doesn’t need to be refrigerated.
Bring a light jacket and a small pack to carry your lunch and water bottle in.
Only small book or card games can be brought to play on the bus. No electronics.
A small camera can be brought. *NOT a cell phone camera. *The school is not responsible for any damage/theft.

We will be performing our Utah Program for the school on Thursday at 9:00 AM. If you missed our previous performance, come and watch it on Thursday! Students can wear formal clothes, but still must be up to uniform standards.

We will be having an end of year 4th grade talent show on May 29th at 9:00-10:00. Students who are interested should let me know and some students will be selected to perform. 

There is no more homework and no more tutoring for the rest of the year.

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Week of 5/6 – 5/10

I still encourage 20 minutes of reading every night, however, there will not be a reading log.

This week is RISE testing week – please make sure your child has a great night’s rest and a good breakfast so they can come to school test-ready!

Bullying has been a big issue in our classroom lately. If you get the chance, talk to your kids about what constitutes “bullying” and how to handle bullies. I’ll also address it in class.

Have a great week!
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Treats and Carnival


Thanks so much for helping make the field trip yesterday successful! It was a ton of fun.

RISE testing starts next week and we’d like to celebrate with treats! Please sign THIS FORM to give your child permission to eat the treats. If you child has allergies, please let me know, and I can give them other options.

Also, the Quest Carnival is Friday, May 10. Click this link to sign up to volunteer!
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Week of 4/29 – 5/3 (And Field Trip!)

Homework is posted for the week. Students are required to do 2 days of Reflex, and 2 days of Readworks. However, time will be given in class for Reflex. So they only need to do Reflex if it was not completed in class. Students will also need to get 80% or higher on the Readworks articles or they will need to be redone. Check the Homework tab for details.

The field trip is TOMORROW! Students need to be at the Roy Frontrunner Station by 8:15. They will need to be picked up from the Frontrunner Station at 3:15. Parents will need to find me and sign their child out so I know they went home with an adult. The forecast says that it might rain tomorrow, so please send your child with a coat and umbrella in their backpack. Students should still be dressed in uniform and should have good walking shoes as we are walking from the Frontrunner Station to the museum. 

If you are a parent volunteer (paying or not paying) please be sure to be at the Frontrunner Station by 8:15 so you can meet your group before we leave. 

Can’t wait, can’t wait, can’t wait! Please email me with questions.
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Week of 3/22 – 3/26 (UTAH Program this week!)

Homework is different this week – there is no Reflex! Students will do a Readworks article every day and read for 20 minutes every day instead of doing Reflex every other day. Check the homework tab for more details.

This Wednesday, the 24th, is our Utah Program. The students have been working hard on the songs, speaking parts, and county projects involved. We’re excited for your attendance! It will be at 6:30 in the Q1 Gym. Please bring a soft blanket or chair to sit on as we do not have enough chairs for everyone attending.  Students will need to be in Sunday formal dress for the performance.

Please email me with any questions. 

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