Week of 3/15 – 3/19

Homework is posted! Check out the homework tab for details.

In the previous post, I gave information about the field trip, but I forgot to put the date for when we are going! It’s APRIL 30. Sorry for that confusion. Please sign the Google Form to give your child permission.

Our Utah Program will be April 24 at 6:30. Ask your child to see if they can list all the counties in Utah!

Please email me with any questions.
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Field Trip!

We are excited to announce our next field trip! The entire fourth grade will be traveling to Thanksgiving Point to tour the Museum of Ancient Life on April 30. The cost for this field trip is $7.00 per student, paid to the front office. Due on or before April 24th. Fill out the permission slip before April 22, let us know if you are coming on the form too. Here is the link.

Our classes will be using the Frontrunner instead of buses for this field trip.  All students will need to meet a the Roy FrontRunner station on 4000 South NO LATER THAN 8:20. There will be NO RIDES provided from the school to the Frontrunner Stations. Do NOT drop them off before 8:00. We will be walking from the station to the museum. It is about a 15-20 minute walk (1 mile). Please wear shoes made for walking. REMEMBER we have to walk back to the station at the end of the day. We will return to the Roy station at 3:10ish. You need to be at the station NO LATER than 3:05. Arrange carpool if necessary. Again, there will be NO RIDES from the station to the school.

All parents are invited. With the nature of this field trip, we are only allowing parents to attend with us and all parents will be responsible for a small group of children. Please make other arrangements for ALL other siblings. Parents/Chaperones please do not shop or buy from the gift shop or food court. It cause problems regarding souvenirs and food allergies etc. Stop into the gift shop on another visit ;)

Our class will have 5 FREE tickets for a parent chaperone to attend (this will include their ride on the FrontRunner). I will hold a drawing to pick these lucky individuals. As a chaperon, you will be assigned 1-3 students to explore with during the day. All other adults will be charged regular venue admission. Adult Admission: $20 Seniors: $15***You will pay your admission when you arrive at the venue NOT at the school office.

We will be riding the FrontRunner to and from the museum. You are welcome to buy a FrontRunner pass and travel with us or drive separately. Please arrive at the museum before 10:00.


Don’t forget to pack a sack lunch that doesn’t need to be refrigerated. Additionally, a bottle of water. I like to pack things that can be eaten and thrown away, so I don’t have to pack it afterwards. If you order a sac lunch from the school, I will bring it on the bus for them. Do not plan to buy food from the museum. Our school policy, doesn’t allow us to provide food for individuals that are not related to chaperones. Stopping in the gift shop is discouraged for souvenirs.
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Week of 4/8 – 4/12

Welcome back from Spring Break! Homework is posted under the Homework Tab.

Some events to look forward to:
April 24th – 4th Grade Utah Performance in Q1 gym. Time is to be announced but will be either 6 pm or 6:30. I’ll be assigning speaking parts for students in the class, keep your eyes open for an email letting you know if your child has a speaking part.

April 30th – Field Trip to Thanksgiving Point. All parents will be invited. There will be a limited number of free tickets available. More information will be coming soon!

Have a great week!
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Week of 3/25 – 3/29

Homework is posted for the week. Check out the Homework tab for more info.
Next week is Spring Break! No school from April 1 – 5
spring break1

The Rendezvous is this Tuesday! Students should have all 24 of their items to the classroom by Monday. Just a reminder that ALL are welcome including smaller siblings. Guests will receive complementary “pelts” at the door to spend too. It will take place in the Q1 gym from 1:30 – 2:30. 

Also, here is an opportunity to get your volunteer hours in:
Are you having a difficult time getting your volunteer hours? Would you like to help the school and buy out your hours?  A donation of $150 will take care of your 30 hours for the 2018-2019 school year. If you don’t need your full 30 hours you can make a donation of $5 per hour you need. This donation will be used to put nice stamped cement along the front of the school where the grass won’t grow and creates a mud mess.  If you’re interested in volunteering and need ideas, please contact your students teacher or POQA.  If you have contact information for a person who lays cement or a person who can move a tree, please let Kitty McKissen at poqavp@gmail.com know. If you are unsure how many hours you have, refer to the email you received the beginning of the month from Help Counter or contact Catherine Sumner at csumner@questac.org  Please take your cash or check donation to Q1 or Q2 office.  If you need a receipt, let the office ladies know and POQA will gladly write one for you. Thank you for volunteering and helping make Quest the BEST!!!

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Week on 3/18 – 3/22

Homework is posted for the week. Check the homework tab for more details.

Just a reminder that next Monday, students must have their 24 items ready and brought to school for the rendezvous. If you haven’t signed the permission form, please do so HERE.

Thanks! Have a great week!
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Week of 3/11 – 3/15

Homework is posted for the week!

The Rendezvous (Economic Fair) is coming up at the end of the month – see the post below for more details. The form wasn’t working before, but it should be working now. Click HERE to give your child permission to participate in the rendezvous. 

Some other fun events coming up:

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This Friday is also a Dollar Dress Down Day – all the proceeds will go toward sending our Rube Goldberg team to nationals.

Have a great week!
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Rendezvous Details

We will be having our annual 4th grade Rendezvous (a.k.a. the Economics Fair) on Tuesday, March 26th. It will be held in the Q1 Gym from 1:30-2:30. This is a fun activity for all who come! ALL are welcome including smaller siblings. Guests will receive complementary “pelts” at the door to spend too. 

To be ready for this event, students will need to make a product or plan a service to 
“sell” during the rendezvous. Some examples are (but not limited to):
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Use your imagination. We have had in the past: flower pens, play dough, slime, hand warmers, jewelry, and other simple crafts. You pick what you would like to bring BUT no food items will be allowed. Remember what you have learned about economics, make something that no one else has. That way, you can charge more for the product because you won’t have any competition. HIGH DEMAND=MORE SALES/PROFIT  ;) Your overall profit will reward you with bragging rights. We don’t use any “real” money. 

From now until the rendezvous, students will have the opportunity to earn “animal pelts.” This is our form of money/currency given out by 4th Grade Teachers to be used to buy things at the rendezvous from other students. You will turn in your paper pelts afterwards. Whatever you choose to make should be homemade. Students should use materials that can be found around the house to make their product. Any cost involved in purchasing materials should be minimal. Students will need to make 24 items to sell.  Please let the students make this product/service with minimal help from grown ups.  Rendezvous items are due Monday, March 25. This will assure that students are ready to sell on Tuesday and give time for teachers to help students price their product and make a poster in class. AGAIN, the product posters are being made in class.

Lastly, please fill out this Google Form to allow your student to participate. 

Feel free to email me with any additional questions.
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Week of 3/4 – 3/8

Homework is posted – check the Homework tab for more details.

Last week, we did our first “Reflex War” with other classes in 4th grade. We didn’t win this week, but encourage your kids to practice Reflex (even on days when it isn’t required) so we can get faster!

I will be out of town for a UCET conference on Tuesday and Wednesday, so I may not see emails right away. Bloomz message me if you need me. There also will not be any tutoring on Tuesday of this week. It will resume on Thursday.

Have a great week!
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Save the Date

Upcoming important events/dates/field trips. Please mark your calendar.
March 1          Dr Seuss Day (see flier on previous post)
March 26       4th Grade Rendezvous 1:30-2:30-Information coming soon
April 1st-5th  Spring Break-No School
April 24          Fourth Grade Performance-Singing/Displays
April 30          Museum of Natural Life Field Trip-Information coming soon.
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Week of 2/25- 3/1 (And Dr. Seuss Day)

Homework is posted for the week! Check out the homework tab for more details.

This Friday, Quest is celebrating Dr. Seuss Day. See the flyer below for more information. 
It’s going to be  a great week!
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