Miss Dixon’s Classroom Disclosure
Welcome to fourth grade! I am so excited to start the school year and get to know all of my new students. Please read this document carefully and make sure you understand everything before signing. Inside is all you will need to know to make this year a successful one. You can always come to me with questions or concerns. I believe that communication is a key factor in a successful classroom. Please feel free to contact me at any time.
Email: edixon@questac.org
Classroom Blog: http://qacblogs.org/emily.dixon/
Phone: School- (801) 731-9859
Expectations For Myself:
I will be prepared to teach every day.
I will keep parents and students informed.
I will treat each student in a kind, respectful way.
I will laugh at my mistakes.
I will respond to questions/concerns in a respectful, timely manner.
I will be an example to my students.
I will do my best every day because my students deserve my best!
For Parents:
Parents will respectfully communicate any questions or concerns.
Parents will take time to check the blog and email to stay informed.
Parents will be involved in the classroom and their student’s education by asking questions, volunteering, and helping students with projects and homework, when appropriate.
Parents will follow through with their student completing and turning in homework.
Parents will treat other parents, students, and school personnel with respect and kindness.
Parents will be an example to their student.
For Students:
Students will come to class prepared. This means ready to learn with all assignments completed.
Students will treat each other, school personnel, and parents with respect and kindness.
Students will keep me informed of their needs by asking questions to clarify assignments and new concepts.
Students will do their best on every assignment because every assignment has a purpose.
Students will laugh at their own mistakes.
Students will do their best every day!
Classroom Policies:
Student work will be left on top of their desk while they are absent. It will be the student’s responsibility to meet with me to go over questions about the work. These assignments are to be completed as homework.
Quest’s food policy does not allow treats to be given for birthdays. The teacher will celebrate each child’s birthday in class. Students with summer birthdays will be celebrated on their half birthday. Please do not feel obligated to send anything for your child’s birthday. Also, party invitations may not be distributed at school.
Classroom Information
This is where you can keep on top of your student’s assignments. You can access my blog from the Quest Academy website under Faculty. Parents will be required to subscribe to my blog to receive up-to-date emails and notices about classroom happenings. Also, if you have any questions, feel free to email or call me at the school.
Classroom Discipline
Students will be required to maintain a respectful presence in the classroom at all times. I believe that students achieve more when they are in a positive and safe learning environment. My primary focus is to reward the good things that are happening in our classroom! There may be times that a negative mark is recorded, and I will privately follow up on those with the students at school. Please follow through at home with both the good and the bad so we can work as a team to help our students be the best they can be!
Tests are used as a gauge of my teaching as well as student learning. Tests are typically given at the end of each unit in math, science, reading, and spelling.
Grading Program
Grades will be updated on a weekly basis. Be sure to check your student’s progress. You can obtain a user name and password during back to school night.
Grading Policy
Students will be graded in each subject, based on total points. I will follow the Quest Academy Grading Scale:
4 – 100%-90%
3 – 89%-80%
2 – 79%-70%
1 – 69%-0%
*Please remember to sign that you have read and agreed to this disclosure.
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