Homework March 24-28th

For the Apple Store field trip on April 9, 2014, students need to start saving family pictures (20 pictures) to their flash drive, along with a song of their choice to play in the background.  Start thinking about what pictures you want on your iMovie.  The week of Spring Break will be the week that the students have to get them all saved on their flash drives and returned to school.  I need everything saved on flash drives and returned to school on Monday, April 7th.  Thanks so much!

Monday- Sort words by the indicated sorting pattern given 
Group #1-yellow sort 22
Group #2-yellow sort 28
Group #3-yellow sort 34
Group #4- green sort 38


Wednesday- elapsed_time_table.hmwk2
Speed Sort

Write Spelling words and study for test tomorrow

Friday- Homework due with Reading Log

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